She is not allowing friends and family members to see her. Also she will not return calls and auctioned off her belongings. My mom's friend of 65+ yrs and my friend of 60yrs lost her husband 8 months ago. WE both think our friend has had the start of alzheimer and her daughter is not getting her the proper medical care. We ask the daughter about this and she got very angry. Daughter moves her mom in with her/does not return calls from family and friends/last visit I made was a surprise visit to daughters home/my friend let me in house, daughter was gone/my friend told me she was in hiding and people where trying to get to her to kill her and take her money so she had to stay with her daughter. Very sad someone is telling her with lies. I called mty mom so they could talk and the same story was told. daughter comes home and was pissed I was there asked me how I knew where she lived and how I knew her mom was there. I told her I went to her moms house and it was locked up tight so where else would she be? My mom had been by her friends houe 3 times no one home. I left and the more I thought about it I called the police to have them go and talk to my friend. That did it because not to long after my mom & I both got letters from our friends attorney not to contact her again and if we did she would file a civil cuit against us. Last Friday I went to the daughers house with a poinsetta and xmas cards. No one would come to door, there was a camera on door bell and I was asked to please go away by daughter. I called police and waited for officer. I asked officer to ask my friend 2 questions, did she have her attorney send the letter and did she know that her personal items were begining auction off and her house emptied. Since the daughter had 30 minutes to coach her mom on what to say the officer came back and said yes she sent the letter and it was none of my business about her house. Also they would be filing that Civil Suit against me for harrsement. I don't know where to turn or how to find help. I've call Adult protective services,police department...whats my next steps. I would apprecaite any help! Also right after passing of husband my friend got a restrainning order against her only son to keep him and his family out of the picture. Sister told mom that he had stolen some coins from the house and he was trying to break in the house. Not true..but its keeping him out of the picture as well~This was one big happy family at one time, what happens?
I can understand your concern about your friend, but calling the police??? By doing that you stirred up a hornets nest.
Your next step is to step aside and let your friend's family deal with the Alzheimer's, it is not an easy journey for them.
Let the daughter take care of her mother the best way she can. Caring for someone with dementia is very difficult. Now that the APS and police are watching her, I'm sure it is even more so. A good thing to do would be to learn about dementia and see if there is some way you can help that would be useful. Your heart seems to be in the right place, but you didn't know the things being said were very common for someone with dementia.