
Too tired one night to fix dinner; ate a spoonful of peanut butter then went to bed. Next day saw that spoon laying on the floor! right where I must've dropped it after finishing. Wondered ..'is this how it starts?' A licked spoon on the floor vs. in the dishwasher. Noooo..! Have any of you done unusual things particularly lately that made you wonder.. what's happening?

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I think all of us do things from time to time and forget we did them. Very strange though. It's just forgetfulness from getting older.

Easy for me...…….my husband has dementia, so I just blame it on him! (prayers & humor help me get through everything!)

Some of these are a RIOT!
Better than the jokes in another post because these are real life and we have to laugh at some situations or we would go absolutely insane (ok maybe an exaggeration...)

This is one I will never forget. I was still caring for my Husband and I had made an appointment to bring all our tax stuff in. I spent days gathering and organizing it. I put it all in a large envelope and in big letters I wrote "TAXES" on it and put it in a place where I was sure to see it when I had to leave. Appointment day came and I went looking for that envelope and for the life of me I could not find it. I must have spent an hour searching for it and actually called and rescheduled my appointment. Later that day I went to leave to go shopping and as I walked out the garage door there was the BIG envelope with "TAXES" written on it stuck with a magnet to the garage door. I had walked to that door and through that door many times and never "saw" it.
Brains on overload are kind of like overloaded circuits sometimes the fuse blows or the surge protector pops and you have to step back and reset.

Oh, Rainmom!

“I actually stopped and briefly debated with myself - what did I want to sacrifice in order to pick it up? A few squares of toilet paper? A baby wipe? The holy grail - a Clorox wipe?”

What delicious writing! I laughed out loud!

During this time of unexpected, "out of the blue" Novel Coronavirus, an individual (no one specific) could be temporarily affected by it IF ALLOWED. Meaning to imply that the rules set in place daily or every 12 or less hour by our Govenors, state leaders, Commander in chief and ruler of one's country are followed. That's all we can do. Bear in mind, everyone has a bad day occassionally.

If things like that mean one is slipping then I've been slipping for some time.

Once and this was quite a few years ago I put the kettle on for a cup of tea. Then went to the other room. I don't know how long I sat there before I thought "why hasn't the kettle started whistling yet?" So I get up and see the burner on the stove is on but no kettle. I looked around and discovered I had put the kettle in the fridge. Yep....... distracted.

I think what you've described is distraction. For me these times haven't changed me that much. I've always been one to get distracted by my own thoughts. If anything I've kind of enjoyed the quieter streets. You can really hear birds singing now. They sound so sweet!

A lot of times we "find" things sooner if we stop looking for them.

I have a list of 8 items that have gone missing over the last year; no idea where, or when, or who, but FOUND the bottle opener yesterday! Only 7 more to go....

lilhelp...Blame it on the Brownies...
Irish or Scots folklore say they are good at hiding things and they can turn invisible and they can take on the shape of an animal my cat!

And in order to blame it on the Brownies you have to make brownies and keep a few on hand so you can honestly say "I have brownies"

I love this!! At least I know I’m not the only one that has a cat that mysteriously takes the remote and puts it in the Refrigerator! Cat makes me act like a mad woman searching throughout the house for it! She’s lucky I needed a snack and found it in the fridge! Seriously, I think I just multitask and that’s why things happen. Blessings ya’ll.


Completely normal! Stress and Lord knows that we are all experiencing added stress in our lives, can cause weird occurrences.

You may question it or even laugh at certain instances, I do. It’s just enough for you to say, hmmmm...but in my opinion it’s not worth too much thought. It’s normal occasional occurrences that we all experience.

Maybe I am different from a lot of people but I actually like a little mystery in life. I don’t have a need to know everything about everything. Makes life interesting. I don’t have all the answers and I am fine with it.

I detest know it alls! I respect someone that simply and honestly says, “I don’t know.” Who in the world knows why or how everything happened? No one does.

We all misplace items, then spend 20 minutes looking for something you know was just there a minute ago. The term is 'resistentialism', assigning human attributes to inanimate objects. At the end of the day I just blame the objects!

It's COVID Days ADD. We are all on our last nerve and not concentrating well. You will be fine. It is not yet your time for The Home.

Weeroo, you're so right!  And it's great! 

I'm enjoying all your stories shared here.  I've laughed til I cried, and that feels so good.  Thank you all!  I love reading these!

Grandma, you think it would be ok to blame the cat if I don't have a cat?  I could say my cat likes to hide and that's why it's never seen. ?  


Here's one from many years ago that my parents told me. A group of people in Ithaca, NY planned to drive up to an event in Syracuse in several cars. When they were ready to return, one man was offered a ride back home with another attendee and promptly accepted it. The next day he asked his wife where the car was, and she told him "well, you should know because you drove it to Syracuse yesterday..."

I figure that compared to that, most everything else in minor (except, of course, when it's a child, pet or elderly person left in a car on a summer day).

I think what the stories prove is we ALL do something at some point that makes ya wonder...My feeling is if you are aware enough to know that something is "off" then you don't have to worry.

This post went from a worried person to a lot of funny stories in a very short time, Thanks, we need that right now!

Stress makes everything harder. Your body is primed to fight an enemy or to run for your life... but the enemy is very small and relentless... and the fight goes on for weeks. No wonder you're tired. When you're tired, you have a hard time focusing or completing tasks. SO, no... you're not slipping up or getting dementia. Just spend a little more time on self-care: rest more, eat healthy meals, drink plenty of water, get some exercise and some fresh air. Try to talk to somebody every day even in this time of social distancing.

I grew up misplacing things. I'ld pay a reward for my grandchildren to find my glassess or other things. One day they cracked up - my glasses were pushed on top of my head. Yeah, they got the reward. At work I'ld leave pencils and pens in file folders and my secretary would bring them back and just place it in my pencil drawer in my desk.

One thing to remember - you have security in knowing you'll stay busy when you misplace something. I will say that the corono virus adds stress to everyone. Everyone stay safe.

I frequently lose things and waste my life searching for them. I almost always find the missing items in logical places, but cannot recall putting them there. My argument with me is that I put it there for safe keeping. Sounds okay? I have probably been verbalising my search, arguing with myself for my carelessness the whole time. I am not concerned at this stage because of the logic in my hiding items. I dont do things like putting the milk in the cupboard and the detergent in the fridge......yet!

Do you have a cat?
Blame it on the cat.
Even if you don't have a cat I also have been so tired that "stuff" happens.
Came home the other day from my daughters, she is 4 doors away and we have been in contact through it all. Anyway I unlocked my front door, went to the bathroom (I know TMI) and let the dogs out. Watched TV for a bit, fell asleep on the couch then got up and went to bed. In the morning I went to look for my keys and there they were IN the lock in the door and the door was open. Not just unlocked but open.

Also very probable that you put the spoon on the edge of the counter then bumped it when you turned around, it may have ever teetered there for a bit before it fell and by then you were out of the room. Goes to prove..if a spoon falls and no one is there to hear doesn't make a sound.

Try listening to some light classical music or read the book of Psalms for comfort and strength.

Hi. I think the dropped spoon is pretty normal. I am not sure of your age but I am pretty sure we are all experiencing some type of cognitive changes especially since we have all slowed down so much.

I’m not sure if this is a sign that my mind is slipping but I do know it’s a sign of the times...

I saw something on the bathroom floor. It wasn’t near the toilet but still... I wasn’t sure what it was.

I actually stopped and briefly debated with myself - what did I want to sacrifice in order to pick it up? A few squares of toilet paper? A baby wipe? The holy grail - a Clorox wipe?

I finally settled on two Kleenex. I had actually scored a bundle at Costco last week.

But seriously?!? Who’d a thunk it?!!

So, the other night...

I was making dinner. I had bought chicken and mozzarella ravioli. It came in a mid-size clear plastic, square shaped container.

I took the container out of the fridge to read how long to boil but the print was ridiculously small (okay, sure) and I had to walk a few feet into the living room to read the instructions under a lamp. I returned to the kitchen, started the water, set the table, prepped a salad, etc.

The water is at a nice, gentle boil. I open the fridge to retrieve the ravioli. It’s not there. I check the counters. Nope. A small wave of panic hits me as I realize I have done something... wrong?... with them.

After checking places like the living room, the dishwasher and the cupboards I eventually found the ravioli in the silverware drawer.

Not a good night.

But unfortunately they mostly won't, Garden, they'll mostly feel vindicated by not being dead or seriously ill or knowing anyone who is. And the people they've injured they'll never meet. And if someone they care about, God forbid, is seriously ill or dies, they will think of a hundred reasons why it wasn't they who passed on the virus.

You can't cure stupid.

Anyone who's not plagued by some level of dementia or is not distracted is probably in denial or lacks common sense, the latter of which seems to be quite prevalent these days as foolish people gather, touch and slobber on each other just to flaunt their lack of concern.   

They'll realize some days later how stupid they were.   And perhaps take up bed and hospital space as well as medical personnel's time as they learn the hard way.

I really don't understand the denial, or the stupidity.   I wonder what the cause of it is...has common sense been factored out of life?   Do these people think they're invincible?  (Superman has never been real to most of us in the first place).   Have they vaped too much?   Not had enough real life experiences supporting themselves and lost touch with reality or self care?

In my household, we blame the cat =^. .^=

Thank you all!  I'm laughing, Countrymouse & golden23, and feel much better now.  *whew*  It jumped, I was distracted.. I'm not alone .. demented, or crazy ... Thank you!

You're distracted. We all are distracted. The world is distracted. Maybe you put it on the counter and brushed against it unknowingly and knocked it onto the floor.

It's times like this I wish I had a video of what happened. I remember years ago, when the kids were young, coming downstairs one morning and finding a man's overshoe (the old fashioned small ones that slipped over dress shoes) on the sideboard. The kids claimed no knowledge of it. I still want to know how it got there.

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