Hey folks, welcome to the new whine/general topic thread. Feel free to use this thread to discuss anything that is on your mind. Caregiving- related stuff, life after a loved one's death, your own emotional wellbeing. Whatever..........anything on your mind.
Ah, hereditary makes sense. Not to worry then.
The ldl is a little high but because of this odd hereditary hdl I don't need statins. The doctor even had to look it up because it's so unusual.
Moms the same way
"Your cholesterol levels show how much cholesterol is circulating in your blood. Your HDL (“good” cholesterol) is the one number you want to be high (ideally above 60). Your LDL (“bad” cholesterol) should be below 100. Your total should be below 200."
Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11920-cholesterol-numbers-what-do-they-mean
Yeah, usually that is when steroids are needed either short term in decent dosages or long terms. They are used for many conditions. About 2 years ago Putin showed up with moonface, very rounded. Seems gone now. I would suspect he was on steroids for some condition. That's the most common drug to cause this.
A number of diseases can cause this , as well as long term use of steroids .
Google “ What causes moon face “.
Daisy I am glad dryness is not an issue for you.
It's very dry here. The humidity goes down to 15% if we don't do anything. My sinuses start to hurt at 20%. I noticed when I read the reviews for the ultrasonic humidifier some commented on the white dust and some didn't. I think it must depend on several factors such as how hard your water is and how much you use it.
When I open the door to the hallways the humidity drops quickly so whatever air they are using to warm or cool the public areas is not humidified. Condo living is different from a single family house in ways I didn't expect.
The tank holds 6 gals and we had to fill it the next day and the next day after that. Hopefully when the place has been kept at a good RH level for a while we won't have to use that much water.
I use an ultrasonic humidifier .
If you use filtered water it’s fine . I use water from my Brita water pitcher .
It’s too expensive to keep buying distilled water.
We are just breaking through to above freezing here and still lots of snow.. 70 sounds lovely.
I understand the resentment. You should be proud for holding your ground. It gets less daunting with practice I found.
I've been doing so well holding my ground, mom was better yesterday, my brother got a chance to sneak away and go to moms, now I'm a bit resentful towards my whole family that just , expected and expected from me, and had no care about how I was doing, but so gosh darn proud of myself! 🤗
Great to be back!! 🥰
Glad to see you back, Daisy
I took a day off yesterday. R was at the farm overnight, so I only had to feed myself and the cat. It was good!!! I basked in the humidity generated by our new evaporative humidifier. I can control it from anywhere via the app on my phone! We won't get an ultrasonic one again - too much white dust. Spring cleaning got started last week by R doing the windows which were covered. Imagine that in your lungs!!!
We have people posting about scammers and more scammers answering them.
I wonder if there is any oversite on AC of questions on a daily basis? Anyone know?
Because these questions should be poofed without our having to keep reporting them I think.
I guess just a sign of the times that there are more and more of them.
I worry about folks coming for help and ending up "taken" by someone or something.
He was very impressed with the underground parking and trash arrangements. They have a sloping driveway (as I did) and have to take the trash to the curb in large bins with wheels. it's a bit of a nightmare in the winter when it can be slippery. She has looked after that for years.
Mother, despite her emotional problems, was been a good example to me in some ways as she aged. She made some sensible choices for herself as she got older. She gave up driving when she was 85 and had moved to another city, she had household help, always got her flu shots and more. She even agreed to go to the geriatric psychiatric hospital as the dementia got worse. It was a tricky time but finally she agreed. Not that being her daughter and POA was easy. It wasn't. It was very stressful, but it could have been worse.
So I have a good pattern to follow as does R. His parents downsized, sold their home, and moved into an AL in their 80s as their health started to decline and the stairs became an issue. Neither of them had any dementia. We both are prepared to move to an AL when/if needed. It only makes sense.😊
If he is not currently getting relief he should be encouraged to see a Pulmonologist sooner than later.
The right combination of meds changed my cousins life, now he has some quality not just gasping for every breath.
Reading your downsizing experience is so beneficial. Change of that type is hard to make and it is good to read how well it can work out.
You and R are certainly inspirations to all of us.
Sounds like your 'friends' are pleasant people and would make good friends now that they are no longer neighbors.
I enjoyed your story.
It may help others who are considering downsizing, moving to a new area, and the details of what one needs to consider.
We showed them around the condo building as well as having them look around our unit and they were impressed. He said they were hanging on in Fort Mc because the real estate market is so bad. Personally I think they would be better off selling anyway and buying somewhere else where property is appreciating. I'm pretty sure they could buy somewhere like here and still have money left over. Of course I didn't say so, just emphasized how much we like it here, how good it is as you get older, and showed them the benefits.
He said himself he can't do anything around the house. He is a bit unstable on his feet and has COPD and heart issues. Quote: If one doesn't get you the other one will!
She is younger and could manage in a house another 5 or even 10 years, I think, as long as she had help for snow shovelling and such. They have a bilevel so there are stairs but apart from her back she is in good health.
I think they were really interested and hope they start planning to sell up and move. He is obviously well past safety in a house with stairs.
Had to laugh. He was very impressed with my bathroom. "Give me a TV and I could live in there! lol
What was very nice was that Rocky the cat seemed to recognize them. She got pats from both of them and went back for more. She has never done this for anyone, even my dd who she knew. They both are very good with animals and always have had at least one dog. I made sure they knew they could have a small dog here. 🐕 They have a daughter on an acreage 10 mins from here, one in Fort Mc and one in BC. It will be interesting to see what they do.
I have so many cardinals in my yard it's crazy. Also bluejays, woodpeckers, robins, all kinds. I have several birdfeeders that get filled every couple days year round so the birds know where to come.