
My parents are nearing a point where a decision needs to be made. They live at home still but I do not think they will be able to continue doing so for long. They are both 86. Mom has Parkinson's, osteoporosis, and I believe some form of encroaching senile dementia. Dad has been caring for her, but his recent complications from a bladder biopsy that hospitalized him for several days made it clear that the situation is untenable. I took time off work to stay with Mom while Dad was hospitalized because she can't be left alone like that, but the amount of time I can take off is limited.

We are all of modest means. I rent my home and it is too small to move them into. Their home is too small for me to move into, and furthermore is too far from my work. My options seem to be 1) purchase a home or multi-unit building near my work and live there together. 2) put them in some kind of assisted living facility or 3) hire a caregiver. They are extremely resistant to 2 or 3, and moreover 2 might not be economically feasible. 1 scares me to death - we have a decent relationship with typical parent/child kinds of aggravations particularly between me and my father, but I don't know how much of that might get worse or unworkable if we were living together (I suspect a lot).

Has anyone else made this decision, and do you have any advice? Many thanks.

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I had to deal with a similar situation with my parents not too long ago. I was the sole caregiver for both of my parents who suffered from dementia and the behavioral issues related to the disease. It was very challenging trying to balance my career

I had to deal with a similar situation with my parents not too long ago. I was the sole caregiver for both of my parents who suffered from dementia and the behavioral issues related to the disease. It was very challenging trying to balance my career, family, and caring for my parents at the same time. After 3 years of this though balancing act I decided that it was time to seek professional care. When I first discussed the option of placing my parents in a assisted living facility with them and my siblings everyone was against it due to the myths regarding the homes. When I began my search for a assisted living facility I got lost in all the services and types of care available. I was referred to by my local Alzhiemer's Association and they were very helpful in helping me find the perfect home for my parents. Within 1 week of reaching out to their services I was able to find a assisted living facility near my home and work which made it very convenient. The homes they found were all within my price range and the quality of homes and services was tremendous. I have had a great experience with them and I would suggest you give a try if you decide with option 2 or 3. Best of luck to you.

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