
My sis is 88 and is in stage 7/a on the FAST rating scale. Many meds have been tried unsuccessfully to help her sleep. She will chant/scream for hours at night and there seems to be nothing family can do. Tried keeping her up as much as possible in the day, various activities non of which work. music etc. Any suggestions?

You could try a low does CBD gummy

Have you thought about placing her in a memory care facility where they are better able to help your sister, and her family can get their sleep?

Has she seen a geriatric psychiatrist for a consultation? Your sister needs a calming medication that will knock her out so she can rest. Is hospice on board? If not, they should be. Hospice has many meds in their kit that are stronger and more effective to help your poor sister at this stage in her disease.

I'm sorry you're going through this, it's not easy for you either. Best of luck.

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