
We’re willing to assist our beloved pets, but no discussion of our relatives wishes. I am sure a lot of the anger exhibited is because of the feelings of indignity the individual is feeling. I live in a state where it is an option and I draw great comfort from this knowledge.

The topic does come up periodically. The problem with medical assistance in dying is that those with dementia are unable to give consent, and as far as I know there is no place that accepts an advance directive (for very many practical and ethical reasons). Other than that - my relative works in a nursing home and people might be surprised at how many people there are opting for MAID.

Brit, go to the search 🔍 at the top of the page to search for “Death With Dignity”and you will see quiet a few posts on the subject.

Search 'Canada MAID abuse'.

I live in Washington DC where it is legal. Even though I am no where needing or even considering it, I have made several of my doctors aware this is what I want if/when the time comes.
Yes, there will be some abuse though the way it is set up I don't really see how it happens. But that is greatly surpassed by the number of people who would like to but can't. It is probably also greatly surpassed by the number of people dying because their insurance companies do not approve necessary treatments or drugs.

You just got here, B? Because yes, we OFTEN discuss it. In fact a favorite subject of mine. I worked hard to get it for years.

Problem with Death with Dignity and other MAiD laws is that there must a) be a disease other than dementia b) be a competent person making the choice c) be the six month prognosis unless you wish to spend between 15,000 and 30,000 and jump through many hoops to get to Dignitas or Pegasos.

I am a proud member of FEN also. Now, 82 and having my second diagnosis of breast cancer, I have it all laid out with Kaiser what I will do and what I will not to prolong any spread of the disease after surgery. I would first do palliative care and the "good drugs" and once I got that 6 month prognosis would happily slurp down that last good cocktail. I am well and ready. It's been a great ride, but the trajectory is now downward.

So yes, if you would like to see all the many many times we discuss this do go up to the timeline, go to the search bar and look up "final exit". "death with dignity", "MAiD laws" and etc. Happy hunting and good reading.

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