
Some days need more humor than others. After many months I FINALLY figured out how to add my bio and who I am caregiving for. I thought the information should have been in the drop down from the left of AGingCarr, but just today saw it under profile….so it wasn’t from the lack of wanting to share my info, I just couldn’t find where to plug in the info… any rate, hello to all with a smile, a chuckle and an iris as my pic!! I figured to pic part out a week or so ago. I am the quintessential ‘70’s gal that didn’t grow up with phones that are computer’s….shine on y’all!!

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Good job!! Welcome Bobbie.

Welcome and what a gorgeous flower as your Avatar. I hope it is as reflective of your nature as my own avatar is of mine!
We sure welcome you to the Forum. I have been here five years at this point I think, or nearly so, and there are many here much longer, but also a lot of folks who are new here. We all started where you are, so it's a learning experience for all of us as we share what we may think we already have learned.
So glad you're here.

Glad you got it all figured out and love an iris! If you’re a gardener by hobby, check out the gardening thread in discussions if you haven’t already

Hey, we gotta celebrate those small victories! 😉

Hi Bobbie! If that iris photo is from your garden, please check out the Gardening as Therapy discussion; it provides a good break from caregiving when you need it.
(I took a photo of split pea soup for my profile photo but, oh my, that was NOT a good choice! - back to the drawing board.)

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