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My 7 day forecast - snow, flurries, chance of flurries, chance of flurries, cloudy then chance of snow, chance of snow, periods of snow. They do show a tiny bit of sun peeking out on Monday but I won't hold my breath 😩

On my Dad visit month and miserable here in NY anticipating a major snow storm and hoping I don't take a header on the sidewalk. I'm California dreamin' right now, it's supposed to be 60 degrees over here.

Golden: You're welcome.

Nacy: Thank you for the hug.

llama thanks - got to the point I am laughing about it

psue - good to hear from you Anybody take me away would be good right now.

nacy - I think it has to be better. Planning a big trip like that must be overwhelming. Just take it one step at a time! It will be great!
re doing the same things on the computer over a few times till it works I do that and told R to as well. He gets frustrated when it doesn't work right the first time. I just keep at it and usually it works out.

send - join the crowd. R and I exchange stories about useless customer service experiences. If you don't fit into their way of doing things you may as well not exist. What you wrote was just like what we have been going through. His dealings with insurance over the accident this summer has been dreadful. Persistence may get you there or going somewhere in person which is not always possible.

Picked up my phone to listen to a voice mail and out of the blue this person comes on saying punch in your temporary PIN number. I don't have one and I couldn't get to my voice mail without following the steps. So I go to the website and get a temp pin, then create a pin and go through the hoops of re-setting up my voice mail. When asked to choose the name I wanted I started to cough - so it duly recorded me coughing. When I listened to it I started laughing and nearly left it on. Just call me "hack!"

Yesterday, I was not sure where to post this.
Now I see something similar is happening to others, with one explanation being
built in loops in customer care.

Not happening just a few times, but so often that I concluded I am disappearing.
I no longer exist!

At CVS checkout: "What's your phone number?" "You are not in the system."
So, does that mean I cannot buy here?

Showing new insurance card. Come back, I cannot make an appointment for you right now. Coming back, that doctor is not taking new patients (but insurance shows that doctor is taking new patients and had assigned her to me.)

Confirming appointment at new dentist: "You are not in the system" "You don't have an appointment".

Online ordering Instacart: Try again later.

Joining by phone: "It didn't go through". Calling bank, "It did go through".
Calling back: "It did go through" but shows you have not joined.

I am not in the system, I therefore do not exist?


Golden: So sorry that you had to endure that nightmare. Hugs.

Just got a response from TD customer care to whom I was referred by the TD chat person. We can't help you with this so go to a branch or call XXX... Sounds like another loop but I 'll have to try it.

Thx Alva - R and I have that conversation often. They build in loops so you can't get an answer. Asked my son who worked in retail for years and he confirmed it. Customer Service or Customer Care is not an appropriate term. It's more like confuse the customer so they stop trying to get a response.

When we were wrestling with the claim from the 2016 forest fire, the Insurance Bureau of Canada told R that 50% of claims take what they are offered, 40% are dropped and 10% contest. They count on that by making things so difficult for their customers that they give up.

Yeah, cw. Kind of feels that way. We'll see what happens. Part of what gets me is being treated like an idiot - like I don't know how to access my bank statements or my account activity, or make a payment through my bank to CRA.🙄

Oh, Golden, YES. I swear, computerland has made everything a nightmare, and you cannot speak to a real person and when you do they are working from home and haven't a CLUE. I think most here of H1-B workers.
It is just a bloody nightmare getting caught in these snarls, and it is EVERYTHING.

Stuck between big banks and big government sounds very much like being at that proverbial rock and hard place. 😬

I didn't want my day to start like this!!!!!

Woke up in the small hours as usual and started my routine tasks, amongst which is checking my emails.

Hmmm! Notice of Collection from Revenue Canada (CRA) for a bill I paid a month ago. Called the CRA and did my thing there, with a few blips, - got told to send a copy of my bank statement and an explanation to CRA by mail. They will start an investigation at their end. I didn't appreciate the question "Is that you?" when I told them my birth date.

Looked online for my bank statement and it's not there. Contacted TD and was told I didn't make a certain change as advised in an email so I don't get statements any more ( I made that change this morning). Sent CRA screen shots of bank account activity. OK, but I want copies of my missing bank statements. Answer - Sorry you can't have them. Hmmmm!

Emailed a complaint to TD about the unavailable statements and also asking them to track the payment I made to CRA (with screen shots) attached).

This after spending too much time last night trying to rectify an error in my grocery order. Every avenue looped around to a dead end or wouldn't submit. Finally I used my phone app and it worked. I'm getting my $9.00 back for a wrong item. Not sure it was worth it.

The envelope with everything is ready to be mailed to CRA. The printer won't print Word in black (it prints black for an image) so they are getting it in dark blue Hopefully it will be enough. The problem is really between CRA and TD but I am in the middle.

Here's to the rest of the day being better. Have a good one everyone!🌷🌸🌺

BOJ, not a chance!
I’m gonna swipe your yarn and leave you a list of names!

I crochet
so I don’t
choke people.

Save a life…Send yarn.

groundhog day on Sunday 🤞☁️🌧️🌨️

((((way))))how's it going? Are the sibs still pressuring you? Did mil go to rehab? Hope the antid's are kicking in for your dd. It's such a time of stress for both you and dh. Are you able to take a break soon? Even a small one!

psue - thinking of you and your dh. Hope the meds are helping to calm him down ,and thus you and his sibs. Meanwhile you are adjusting to a new normal which isn't easy.

You mentioned somewhere I am very grounded. - Lots of practice in crazy situations, and a love of reality. I could never see why anyone wanted to take a mood altering (recreational) drug. I found reality was quite interesting enough. And writings of people such as Julian of Norwich , “All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”

Stay grounded in love -for yourself and others.

Eva and BOJ - I'm with you on chocolate!

Didn't get much sleep last night so I will take an easy day. It's snowing a lot here. Everything outside is white

Alva ,
I ignore Probate questions . Estate Attorneys are needed at that point .

Here's my whine.
Is there ONE question that you will NEVER answer again on AC?
Because I will never again answer
"How can I get paid to take care of my mother at home".

What's your favorite oft repeated? The one that makes you want to scream!

I will join you in that BOJ.
Somedays chocolate is excellent choice.

...Someday I will solve my problems with critical thinking, but today it will be with chocolate.

“I’m at a place in my life when errands are starting to count as going out.”

I hate to say it , but it feels like Groundhog Day . Same as it was dealing with my late FIL and his second wife , a few years ago including with push back from “ step “ family about placement in AL . We wanted to do an intervention , and address it , both families united . The other family are letting the parents with dementia rule .

For now we have MIL willing to go to rehab tomorrow . The problem is MIL may begin wavering again because her partner with moderate Alzheimer’s is home alone with friends and the partner’s daughter stopping in .

At least we know now from experience , there is not more we can do at this point . We hope she goes to rehab and fails , so it will facilitate placement. MIL is very frail , face is bruised from another recent fall in the shower at home that she did not tell us about .

I am so glad this is the last of our parents . I’m so done with stubbornness .
DH and I hope we don’t do this to our children .

Ooooh, Way - hard day! How are you holding up?

Hospital social workers who say someone is lucid when they are not .

Extended family who think it’s easy to “ do the right thing , and lay down the law “, for a stubborn woman with undiagnosed dementia who will not move from her home .

Family wants us to travel to MIL for a few days . We are going for one day only tomorrow . She will undoubtedly sign herself out AMA on Friday instead of going to rehab . We will not enable this . We will not bring her home etc . She will have to get home from a friend and take care of herself or fail . Extended family will not understand why we don’t help her get home and stay with her a few days . We are not propping her up .

Thanks for letting me whine .😢😢😢

casole - sounds wonderful. Have a great time and sure you can borrow my orange outfit! Happy Birthday!!!
Thankful for you that your bro is a help.

An advance warning...
People with dementias or Alzheimer's will mess with their own mail, or that of their spouses or household.

They can discard it, hide it, or other fancy things.

Have a good birthday Casole.

Psue - It's a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.

Golden, I had never been a lover of bluegrass music HOWEVER, after I saw Oh Brother Where Art Thou something started tickling me in the brain and I couldn’t let it go. The “origins of the origins” are like sandbags to me, rooting me to the ground; Irish, Scottish, even African! When you listen with your heart you can hear it!
I still don’t love to listen to it but my appreciation is off the charts!

casole, I’m so jealous! How lovely to leave all this behind, if only for a weekend. Happy Birthday!

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