
AC recently had a posting about filial laws still in effect. Well, here is very true story about archaic laws and the aftermath. Enjoy the ride (yes, pun intended)!
Long before personal technology was around, our friend and neighbor Sandy lost her child in an accident. Left behind was a husband and baby so Sandy chose to sell her horses and property to move closer to family.
At the time of this story's happenstance, Sandy had one horse left to sell -- a beautiful registered stallion (nicknamed Stud) used for breeding. Her next door neighbor (whom I will call Neighbor) bought Stud and put him in the fenced two properties side-by-side pasture. One day while Neighbor was away for an extended time, Stud cut his leg and it became infected. Since a lame Stud was a worthless Stud, Sandy took Stud through the shared pasture gate, put Stud into her horse trailer and proceeded to take Stud to the Vet. A half mile from the Vet's, Sandy was ticketed for illegally transporting an animal and no trailer lights.
Sandy's attorney advised her to pay the ticket -- which upon doing so, was interpreted as an admittance of guilt as A HORSE THIEF. At the time, the old still-in-force archaic law stated punishment for being a horse thief was to HANG 'TILL DEAD.
Of course they didn't hang the accidental horse thief Sandy. And eventually the laws were changed. However, this story does show that while in the 1980's and even in the 21st century there are archaic and weird laws from the past that still exist, the fear paralysis of what "might happen" is usually much worse than what those laws "reality" presents.
The moral of this story, don't fear becoming a horse thief! :-)

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I have no idea what message you are trying to impart. If you are saying that ridiculous laws are never enforced I'm afraid I've read about way too many examples where they are - I wonder what might have happened if Sandy lived in an area where law enforcement and/or judges believe in doling out harsh punishments for minor infractions, especially if she were poor or a visible minority - probably not a hanging but I doubt it would have been anything good.

Yup, btw in NYS you can get arrested for putting ice cream in your back pocket!

I suspect that's never enforced either.

Might this be better in discussions where it will have a better/longer life? I think it isn't really a caregiving question.

Ah, yes. The law. A problem since Jarndyce and Jarndyce, and long before!

I like the story! Perhaps it would be better placed in discussions though.

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