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Ex, I do understand how you feel as for the either/or thing .

I didn't, and don't plan on abandoning my mom completely, like honestly I probably should. Many have told me this and I completely agree with what they say, in a sence.

My mom's is a narssasist, mom did groom me from a young age, my brother has become all powerful over mom, her house and has made it impossible for her to get help she needs.

I can't completely abandon my mom, I have to do things my way. Not the way others have told me I should do it. Only my way!

With that being said, this forum has helped me tremendously. To gain my life back, to see the faults of my family, to be able to walk away mentally and physically, when I need to, and have my life and enjoy my life, inspite of it all.

I know you don't want advice, I get that. When I first came in , they said my mom was a narcissist. I was p###ed off. Then thinking about it, reading about it, pulling myself out of burntout, I realized what they were saying was true.

I would like to give you some maybe more bipartisan type of advise. Stay with us, it much helps, knowing your not alone. Work on your mental health, so you don't become burnt out. Put much boundaries down with mom.

I'm telling you, you can do both, it's by far a perfect life!! It's hard but you can have your life and your mentality in check and take care of your mom. But to keep out of burntout you have to put YOU first.

I will also say if I see where I can't keep myself out of another burnout. I will walk!! No actually I won't walk I'll run. That alone helps me , knowing I am and will put me first.

I hope this all made sense and helps a little

Ex, I hope today is a better day for you. Keep on venting, it is what keeps us sane.


I never said walk away . But you do not have to be fused at the hip . You should be able to go out for coffee with a friend.

I was not trying to be patronizing or facetious at all .
I’m sorry that you are suffering from FOG.
Fear , Obligation, Guilt .( This can be read up on too ) . I’ll leave you alone to be in this situation .

Way and hothouse, 👍👍🥰 ,

AnxietyNacy and HothouseFlower: thanks for understanding. I think everyone here has done a lot of reading, heard all the buzzwords (FOG, etc), and some of us have opened up to trusted friends and counsellors. We come here just to express solidarity with each other. There are no easy answers, no black and white situations, and no one is capable of grooming, brainwashing or manipulating us - we're all self-aware and confident, otherwise we wouldn't be here venting about the injustice of our situations. This site is a coping mechanism. Just knowing others are in the same situation helps. If I may make one suggestion, I recommend giving yourselves a little treat every day. Not alcohol or bad food - something harmless but enjoyable. It could be a chat with a friend over coffee, a good book (fiction is best for relaxation), a half hour watching a TV soap, a new sweater or even a few minutes lying on your back listening to music.

Exsister, I just want to add, I did everything that the books said to do to fight getting burnt out. I exercised, I walked, I forced myself, to do hobbies, I thought positively. I tried to talk to friends. I even set boundaries, but realized after joining here, that I really didn't.

I did everything, and I still hit rock bottom.

Exsister, I also beg to differ about the fact that , I can't be brainwashed, or manipulated again.

Maybe it's the way I was raised or just who I am, but I know without the support I get here I probably would slip backwards into being suspectable to being manipulated and guilted again.

For me it is an on going struggle, that I have to keep up with, reading my self help books when I slip backwards. So that I very much disagree with you

I’m at my wits end dealing with my dysfunctional family. My mom has always told me that her POA can’t put me out, this is her house. She has dementia and I moved home 8 years ago, gave up my job, my place of residence and put my higher education classes aside just to care for her. She’s had numerous family members representing as her POA and her current rep is my first cousin. He’s putting me through hell and now he’s moved my mom out of her house to my sister house due to some repairs needed to her home. He’s given me a 30 day eviction notice knowing that I will be homeless after that. Also my sister has made it where she has blocked me from calling my mom because she’s always had jealousy issues with me and if I were to see my mom at her house I probably wouldn’t be welcome there. My two other siblings are aware of my situation yet neither one of them has been trying to help me out. So I’m seeking legal advice from the Legal Aid Society near me and they have been putting me off by not communicating with me about my case. I don’t have any money or vehicle to get around or pay for a paid attorney to assist me with my situation. There’s got to be a way for me to delay this eviction. I got an alert from the credit bureau Experian that I had set up on my mother’s behalf back in 2018 because someone was using her to get her income tax refund money. Now they sent me an alert that shows my cousin has been taking money from her bank account for his own personal use. I alerted the rest of my family but they haven’t confronted him about it. I however sent him a text message telling him that I know he’s been taking my mom’s money and using it for himself. His response was that I was committing wire fraud. That’s nonsense. Explain to me why you are stealing from my mom. Now he’s threatening to cut off all the utilities while I’m still living here and it’s about to get cold. I also am taking care of my mom’s dog who is showing signs of separation anxiety from not being with my mom. I’ve been on the wait list for public housing for over 6 months and there was a 2 year wait period when I applied.
any advice for me out there???

I've been thinking about these posts.

Exsister - I have seen many reasons for people to be here, not just for solidarity, but for support to keep boundaries, to learn other ways to deal with a situation, to learn about resources available for caring for the aging and more.

Like nacy - I came for support to maintain the boundaries I had established so mother's life did not take over mine. I learned that you can't make anyone else happy - their happiness is on them, not on you. Your happiness and welfare is on you.

I learned that my welfare and needs were certainly as important as those of the person I cared for.

Like way, I was brought up by a narcissistic mother who groomed me to be her servant child. Any woman who depends that much on her adult child is not mentally healthy. It took much work for me to grow away from that role and give my needs priority in a healthy fashion.

I agree it's not either/or though there are times to turn one's back on a toxic relationship. I hung in there as mother's POA seeing that her needs were met - needs being proper care in all ways - but maintained my own life as well. I was not her entertainment. Whether she liked it or not was immaterial. I didn't like many things she did either. I couldn't let her unhealthy "wants" govern my life. She would have had me "on a string" doing everything she wanted. Even as a child she was jealous of my friends. This was not healthy for her or for me, and catering to her would have been enabling her and preventing me from living my life.

So, no, it is not simple. But there are times when "dysfunction" screams at us, and we feel the need to comment on it, because, in many cases we have BTDT, and know we have found a better way.

Wishing you all the best as you try to make your mother happy. Wishing you all the best for the future regarding your home, as I gather that is far from secure. If I were in your situation, I would be spending my time and energy working on making my own situation better in the present and also for the times that are coming as I aged. Your life does not have to take second place to your mother's.

Mslamoore - I am sorry for the mess you are in.

You are experiencing the consequences of putting someone else's welfare ahead of your own, It rarely seems to work well.

Why on earth did you give up your job, your place of residence and your higher education classes to move in with your mom and care for her? Now you are facing a very precarious situation.

If I were you, I would put aside the family dysfunction and do what I had to to reestablish myself. Concentrate on your needs, put them first ,and get yourself set up again with a job, and build your life back up.

Find out what housing alternatives there are for the short term - a shelter if need be to begin with, where they will help you get your life back.

Wishing you all the best.

@ Golden ,

Amen . 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. This site is not just for solidarity in misery. Nor is it to be patronizing towards those of us who have learned from “ the buzz words “.
We can look after our parents without giving up our entire lives to be their entertainment or to make them happy . No one should give up a career opportunity or coffee out with friends to be a constant companion ( surrogate husband ) for their mother . And if someone gives up their own life in this way , that person is choosing to do that . Many of us have BTDT and learned .

It’s also interesting how when this is suggested , the complaints get dialed back in subsequent posts , along with defending the manipulative parent . Seen this here before as well .

I made the mistake of trying to help someone in a bad situation. Sometimes making that mistake , changes someone’s life for the better .

Golden: People who come here looking only for ‘solidarity’ probably haven’t looked at the site for long before they post. ‘Solidarity’ means effectively ‘you are doing a great job, I’m with you all the way’. Responses like that might feel just lovely, but they achieve very little. Sometime less than nothing, they entrench behavior that would be better changed. They quickly get boring and meaningless, to read and to write. It’s easy to see that there are a few like that, but most offer something different, either instead or as well.

Most regular posters are problem solvers – show them a problem and their reaction is to work out the options. Quite obviously, there is no obligation involved. If you just want solidarity, you can talk to yourself – or perhaps to God.

Well said, Margaret. Solidarity for dysfunctional behaviour is less than beneficial. There's not a lot of that here, thankfully.

Yup, trauma bonding! Thank goodness not a lot of that going on here.

My sister is in nursing home age 68 massive stroke. Needs p.o.a. Both daughters have felonies. Sisters willing but retired, limited income. Patient is unable to sign.

How am I doing? Really, not very well. I wrote a bunch after this and deleted it. Like many of us with this experience, I could write a 1,000 pages. Suffice to say my mother has spent 95 years being the most horrible, ugly person I can imagine, and at 72, I’m beyond done. I don’t think I can survive if I don’t get her out of my life.

If you have a 95 y/o mother who has been awful all this time, and are thinking now to address this, I would say placement in care is likely the answer, with infrequent visits. There is some reason that you have put off this removing yourself from someone abusive for your entire lifetime. Only you can know the reason/s and only you can change your life. Sure do wish you the best and sure am sorry to hear your pain.

If patient is unable to sign a POA but can UNDERSTAND it on lawyer examination she can "make her mark " before that attorney who is likely also a notary.
If your mother is no longer able to understand and sign POA over to someone then APS should be called; they can often get emergency temporary guardianship.

I would call APS. If you have received an eviction notice I have to tell you that we have seen that happen VERY OFTEN here on this page. Unfortunately people do give up their home, their job, their family and move in to care with an elder, and then when the elder is moved to care or dies, there is no home, no job, no job history and often no savings because the person neglected to get a care contract and POA done by an attorney and to save this money.

Sadly I am afraid that you may be down to a shelter. Then a job and saving until you can afford a room. You have years in service as a caregiver. Consider a facility that gives care or hiring on through or Visiting Angels or others.

This is very sad, but poor decision making over some years has led to dire circumstances that mean starting at the bottom. Call APS to see if they can iron out the circumstances around who is POA, your history of caregiving and your current eviction. I am so very sorry for all you are going through.

On dysfunctional families:

“Be the bigger person.”
That’s just (usually) a euphemism for “shut up and take the abuse because the rest of us are comfortable”.

Here is something I just read about siblings. In my case, I've expressed my hurt and anger at my sister who has not helped in 5 years with my Dad. Even prior to that her behaviors were not particularly kind or loving towards me. And of course, when I spoke my mind about her lack of involvement with our father I was the toxic one! I hope some of you find this helpful and validating. A key indicator of a toxic sibling is their inability to empathize with your feelings and experiences. They may dismiss your emotions, refuse to acknowledge your struggles, or respond to your problems with indifference or insensitivity. This lack of empathy can leave you feeling isolated and unsupported.

SBS, thanks for that , so true!!

On the topic of unsupportive, comfortable with the caregiver-sibling doing the work they don't want to do, zero-empathy siblings...

I remember a distinct moment that occurred about six months into caregiving where, in a conversation, I said to my older bro, "I am so unhappy here (at grandma's house)." I wanted to help my dad and grandma, but I was breaking. My mental and physical health were in a nose dive.

He angrily and sarcastically hissed at me, "Then LEAVE." He pretended the situation was simple even though it was far from that. He did not want to sympathize, which was all I was asking for, begging for, at that moment. I said nothing else to him after that. I knew in that moment he would be the opposite of supportive while I worked hard on family's behalf, work he KNEW was helpful and necessary to straighten out a messy situation, but he couldn't be bothered to say a kind word.

I was broken, crying to my bro, wanting to be hugged and supported... and that was it—that's all I wanted. I got the opposite. It's one of those moments that clearly showed me my family's willingness to kick me when I'm down. Sigh.

My relationships with family are forever altered after caregiving. You can't unsee it.

Take care of yourselves, caregivers, because too often, no one else is going to. Big (((((hugs))))).

SBS, that is so true, if my POA brother, that also owns Mom's home, gave me an ounce of appreciation for what I was doing , instead of complaining what I wont do.

None of what happened between us would of happened. I would of kept doing what I was doing. All I wanted was a thanks , for helping.

Same with my sister, if she came to me and said, that she just can't do this anymore, instead of just disappearing from the universe I would of said , I get it you have a lot going on in your life. It wouldnt of been an issue.

WOW, people are jerks in my family!!! I'm speechless, what do people not understand that moms OLD!

First of all dil wants are whole family to go to her house and leave mom home alone xmass day!

Now my old bro told me if I take Mom shopping, to make sure mom doesn't get him any shirts for Xmas, that he donates them every year and doesn't need shirts.

Every year I take Mom shopping to Walmarts , we quickly gather a few gifts so mom feels like a part of xmass. I don't care or want anything!! Nor did I really think anyone did.

Maybe she can wrap up a jello mold for xmass like on xmass vacation. You take it , smile and say $#@&+&$ thank you!!

This is complete insanity!!!!

I am over it. I've never had a healthy relationship with my parents. I live on te west coast. My family all live on the east coast. My two older brothers both have passed away and I was the one who had to go deal with my one brother's hoarder house, cleaning, the estate sale etc. and then my other brother who basically drank himself to death in his bedroom in a crappy NYC apartment surrounded by trash, cat waste and a lunatic roommate.
My parents did nothing as my moms dementia advanced. Now she's finally in a care facility but it isn't great. Yesterday my 97 yr old dad apparently slipped and fell in the garage and lay there for so long his body temp was 80 degrees. The neighbor found him and called 911. Now he's in ICU.
I've got the facility calling me to tell me my mom is biting people (and then they realized she had a UTI). I've got the dr calling me with updates about my dad- who has no DNR in place so now it's on me to make the decisions.
I am over this. I don't want to deal with this anymore. They put off any plan for their years and now it's another crap pile for me. I am still working full time and am not able to just keep flying back and forth to them.
What are my options?

Tired Daughter
Options are basically to turn the folks over for care of the state.
You cannot possible accomplish anything at this point from the other side of the country.
Call APS in their area.
Whatever you do do not take responsibility of guardianship even temporary. Tell them you are not capable of such a thing mentally, physicially, emotionally or intellectually. Don't let them convince you "We will help; we can get you help; we can work out help". They cannot and will not and want them simply off their hands.

Tell all callers that you cannot function for them from where you are and couldn't if you were there and that they need to get social workers busy on state guardianship and protection for them.

Hello everyone!

A tragic event and suddenly has stuck me and my family. I reported my husband as missing on December 8. He was found December 9 deceased from a solo car accident. At this time the coroner has told me he was having an allergic reaction and cardiac event. The only thing we know of he has an allergy to is kiwi. We as a family believe he ate a salad with kiwi and he did not know it had kiwi in it. He told me he was going to the store.

many of you know my husband and I did not see eye to eye often. We had many agruments. Yet I love him. My whole family is grieving from Idaho , Colorado, California, Georgia and Kentucky.

we are processing our loss without rushing to decisions. He was veteran and will be place in a veteran cemetery in Idaho. Decisions will be made after Christmas.

Sharyn, That's awful. 😢 I'm so sorry to read this. What an unexpected death. Sure, you had your problems, but he was your husband of many decades, and I can't imagine losing him so suddenly like this. How are your kids and grands doing?

I hope everyone and everything is going to be ok. Come back and share when you have more time, maybe. This is very sudden... Sending you big hugs

So sorry for the loss of your husband. This is so tragic for your family. Wishing you peace.

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