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I just finished reading all the above posts and I think this will be a great help to me-now I know that the role Mom is playing is not at all unusual and my childhood is about the same as most of you all here. Cmagnum I am so glad about the results of your wife's test and am very glad you started this thread-I do not feel so alone now after reading what others have written.

My mom doesn't get involved with fights...funny thing is my sister is on point about us owing her money when we owe her nothing....its the fact of the matter she has no empathy for anyone except for herself....none of her girls are old enough to be married yet either but her excuse is no money when I know very well she uses her husband's uncle's ssdi money illegally and get away with it but since I have no proof I can't take it to the authorities. The day I left to move to Az 6 months later they abandoned a house that was given to them in bad shape...would not fix it..I get a letter from Indiana saying I owe property taxes. I called and straighten it out and told them I was renting from her then i did not have the title or own the house. The list goes on....every time I ask to have my dress sent back she says she has no money...she would have money if she learned to be more financially smart but I am not either way it will be a tussle but I will find a way....if she starts charging me a storage fee my dress then I will be pissed should of been mailed long time ago....Mom is too busy with our grandfather and dealing with his doctors to get into a tiff about it but will see but i doubt it most likely ill be told talk to her....that is how my parents are...

Just tell her you want it back since your mother made it for you and it is yours-it probably will cause a row but she should have had it cleaned and returned right after she wore it-maybe your Mom can ask her to return it to you.

I have thought of writing a letter to my mom to express how I feel but i think that excerise would be empty and my sister ( my twin) she cares about money money money if any of you heard of that Pink Floyd song. Well that is my sister...i do not care about the money but I have to remove her as beneficiary from his life insurance policies..she will never raise my kids ...omg the serious competitive edge she has drives me up the wall tg she doesnt call me everyday tg for that but i still want my wedding dress back...I do not want her daughter's wearing and I am afraid its going to be ruin a beautiful dress my mom made for me on my wedding do i get her to send it to me ...any suggestions without causing another big row...

Marj you are so right on my Mom complains to me about my sister and BIL-I never respond. My sister and I really talked last fall and she did not know much what really went on with me and Mom because she was a baby boomer and I was a WW2 kid-7 years older-now adays a mother would be aressested let a 7 yr. old care for a baby with a bleeding problem and at 9 caring for a 2yr. old and a baby and expected to do all the house cleaning to boot by herself and being alone at home. My sister told me she did not know how I could even spend time with our mother now. Once a number of years ago my mother said to my aunt in front of me I guess I was a good mother you kids turned out well-my mouth fell open. My stuborness and wanting to surive and get away from home got me through.

This is a great thread and I hope it is joined by others I have been thinking about this subject a lot since visiting with my Mom and my sister and her family more in the last few years. I wish I had spoken up when I was a child but I thought the problems were all my fault -after talking with my sister last fall and telling her how bad it was for me growing up-she is 7 yrs. younger than me -she said to me it is a wonder you even can be near Mom now after all of that-that was the best thing anyone said to me and really got me thinking. Then I went on to think how can I handle my relationship with my mother at this point and decided with her age of 93 and her health and emotions it would not be good to confront her or tell her it is not allright to continue to treat me the same way-I decided that we will never have a good relationship and the only thing I can do is to ignor her digs and when I visit my sister has me stay at her house whenever possible and if I stay with Mom I make sure the visit is short-I can't change her but do not have to put up with her abuse-which I learned to do with the husband and before he died he did know the game was over by my actions and telling him it was not ok to treat me like he did.

jacjacs...when I read your post, at first thought how awful, and then a flag started waving at me, reminding me of the days when I used to talk with my mother and would hear the awful things my sister was or wasn't doing. Sis was not a caretaker as my parents were still independent (dad still is, mom passed in '09) but did live just a few blocks away from parents. I did not live close and would call mom to share news, etc. and rarely hear a good word about my sister, so for many years was mad at sis because of her attitude. Finally in the mid-90's sis and I began to e-mail each other instead of depending on written letters (rare) or phone calls during which we'd get distracted and never serious discussions. We began to compare stories we had heard about each other and discovered that we each received a different slant on the same event...and always to make mother seem to be the injured party, or the martyr of the situation. Turns out sis was not such a bad person and she did pay attention to mom and take her shopping and other places my dad refused to go, but I never got that news. But sis was married and had a life of her own, too, and could not always drop everything to do what mom wanted when she wanted....guess what I am trying to say is, do you have confirmation from a third party that your mom is really being neglected??? Have you tried to communicate directly with your sister? There can be two (or more) sides to every story! Check the facts! Now, of course if there truly is a problem, then 'burned' has some good suggestions...........and I apologize for my doubt.

Cmag-I like your suggestion about the letter. I think I will try that. Thank you.
Elizabeth-My sis lives hundred of miles away, too. My parents had been living with her for 11 years before my Mom got cancer, then my Dad, too. We moved them here to be closer to treatment, but we've also been trying to get Mom out of sis's house for years. My sis is very supportive and listens to me when I need to vent. Sounds like your brother. It really helps to have that relationship. i laughed at your Mom's quote. Mine's in "I have cancer and I can do what I want." Which makes my sister laugh because she's been doing what she wants and treating people like dirt for years. Aren't they funny sometimes? LOL
Soverytired-Kudos to what you wrote. People who are sick do complain, and loosing one's memory must be frustrating. But when there's years of issues and dysfunction, those "normal" things don't seem normal. They hurt. I love being able to vent on this site and know that the group will not see me as a bad caregiver because I get frustrated and lost sometimes.
Jessie-I think that as my Mom gets sicker, it may be easier for me. I will not be the whipping girl as much as a caregiver, hopefully. But my previous therapist said that Mom will probably throw food and mess the bed, especially if she can't talk anymore. She will find ways to express her anger. I hope she finds some peace before this is over, for her sake and mine.
Thanks to all for your support. Hope everyone has a good day.

sounds like a bad may have to call the state of indiana Aps and state ur are the daughter and ur concerned about ur mother needs being met and not being taken care...maybe the state can help transport her to you medically so you can be there for her since ur sister has either burned out or doesn't give a damn do not know which ....stand up and speak up...i do not care if she is the eldest but look into everything...

My mom lives with my sister, who is supposed to be her caretaker, but she is never at home to take care of my mom. Seems as if my sister has turned into a religious fanatic and is away at church all night and most every weekend.

Mom doesn't get fed and when she does, it's mostly fast food. She misses her doctor appointments and needs eye surgery but there is no one to take her to the doctor. I hear this and feel so helpless because she lives in Indiana and I live in Texas. I'm retired now, but don't have the finances available to me to fly up there each month to care for her. It is very frustrating because I know she needs someone to help her, but she refuses to take help from anyone that is not a family member because she doesn't trust anyone but family.

I am sorry her decline is getting worse but at least she is not living in that part of her past anymore and that is good place to be. I wish I could say I have easy relationship with my mom: when her time comes for assistance ...I wonder out of the 4 of us who is she gonna pick out to be her aide.. My mom and step dad are not full fledge seniors but in their latter 50's and maybe early 60's not sure. I have a bad habit not remembering bdays to well and that is a bit of sore spot. My parents never approved of my husband who is 13 yrs older than me and lol this funny as hell and I quote" your marrying him to have a father figure ..." this actual thought came out of my mom's thought. I said no its nothing about father's figure...its the fact he is decent man which is more than what I can say what you picked out for you...then she called me a liar and I lost my cool ....I said to my mother " why can't you stop being a bitch for once and actually believe me." Oh that earn me a round house slap ...Ill tell you this when I was 19 and she thought if my bf now husband did anything he could rape me. I was like mom statutory rape works out only for 16 and under...I am 19...therefore a consenting adult and its my life...

Here is the other half i never really discuss....when I was 17 and working at a bagel shop....i discover a lump on my boob...and it didn't go away by the time i quit that job and move on to better I still had it...I had my mother's word that she would take me to get a mammogram done etc etc. well I had this lump for nearly 5 yrs and no I was still seeing my bf now husband at the time and I got real ugly with him broke it off to protect him in case I had breast cancer..well he came back around and I told him after apologizing for my crass behavior...He help arrange things and look after me I had the surgery to remove it...thank god it was a fibroid cyst and benign...Well I went off on my mom when she called where I was staying recuperating etc. I told her I am your daughter and you can never forgive me what happen in the past yet what if I actually had cancer...what was you gonna do a dance on my grave...I can never forgive you for not being there for my support...I said If Sarah ( half sister) had it you would be all over it but no...I am the one that doesn't mattera n you expect to come back home to a house where there is no love for me and heal...You had ur chance and blew it...even God would frown in consternation wondering why you couldn't be there for your child...I just let it out...I couldn't handle it and now they are both christians...she has diabetes and won't even look over her mom's care but rather her dad's care which i think is unfair...I did make an a point to apologize to my mother and did tell her I forgive her that same day but I can't let go of the fact that she won't heal her relationship with her own mother and my grandpa who is still in remission is recovering from small bit of cancer himself...I just wish families were better than they are now back in the old days everyone back to the horse n drawn buggy days help each other and sometimes lived in one house cuz running a farm so much work...we have let selfishness and pride get in the way...being a caregiver brings you back to the basics of what human compassion is and least I know if no one else is here for my husband...I am no matter the dysfunction and trying to raise 2 youngsters on my own...I am grateful for the humbling lessons I have learned and still continue to grow from...yeah sometimes I may get bent out of shape but if I had my druthers I would do anything that I can possibly can but the hand I have been dealt has made me into a neglectful aunt and a bitch to some....too much of free thinker and I have learned long ago to detach myself to the point...I just care about my world ,, my family and the need to survive and if some one doesn't like it ...then the shoe needs to be on the other foot as the expression goes...I am just glad I do not have the big elephant in my house trying to take over what isn't her business sister lost so much and so have i...i consider that bridge half gone already...enough said ...ttyl

Cmagnum, thank you for your thoughtful response. You're right, of course, ideally Mom should take responsibility for her own feelings, but she's so far into dementia that she has completely lost the ability to reason. And, of course, I shouldn't do what I do - and I am getting better at detaching - but it's very difficult to remain detached when she calls as frightened as if she is standing in front of a speeding car and then frustrated when she realizes that I can't make anything better or won't drop everything to get to her. I reassure her that I will help her by helping her figure something out, but I can't be there all the time. And then I take a deep breath, try to figure out what to do, do it, and then go on with the plans for the day. You can't believe how much progress that is for me.

Trust me - I am aware of the situation and talking to her counselor is a source of comfort and accountability for me. I told her counselor that I don't want to end up with my daughter dreading seeing my face the way I dread my mom - that many times I just show up because of responsibility. She said that my daughter wasn't brought up in the same way, that we continue to have a loving and fun relationship and my daughter may continue to have a deep desire to see my face - even if I'm old and frail and confused. Wow. Talk about a revelation.

Sometimes something hits you that even though you should have known it, you had never put it into words.

I didn't mean to leave the impression that my brother has done nothing nor taken responsibility for our parents. We're laughing (together) at Mom's perspective. My brother and I live far apart, so there's not much he can do on a daily basis to help except call her and he does that. For 5 years after our father died, Mom lived close to him and he cared for her while I was his cheerleader (from afar), as well as the one who managed her money.. When my brother's health declined, I knew that it was time for me to step up, so I did. He tells me every day that he knows I have ended up with the worst of the situation with her, because at least her dementia hadn't progressed to this point when she was close to him. That is great validation.

We have tried so very hard not to let the drama of our parents tear us apart. We're very different and not always on the same page, nor do we always view the past with the same perspective, but he's the only person in the world with shared memories from my childhood. We don't want to lose that, so it's worth the compromises for both of us.

We're just all out here trying to cope the best we can with what we've been handed. Every day of my life I think about how some of Mom's poor choices brought her to this point and that has nothing to do with me. One thing that has gotten significantly better is that Mom has forgotten my father. They had a miserable marriage and he was outrageously controlling and bitter, but for 55 years, she kept up the front of perfection. She used to insist that they were happy and he was wonderful and what was my problem that I didn't agree with that? Thank goodness, we don't ever even have to go there any longer. Most days she can't even remember his name, which, according to her counselor, is probably why she's in a more peaceful state right now.

This is turning into a novel. I need to send everyone reading this stream-of-consciousness $125 an hour, or whatever the going rate is for counseling.


Amen, sister soverytired. You said it all so well. :')

I love the suggestion from cmagnum of writing your mom a letter - not for delivery but just as a journaling activity. Journaling does bring out a lot of buried 'family of origin' issues. I have tried to look at what has happened in caring for my mom and the total destruction of sibling relationships as a blessing in a way. It has guided me to find out more about myself, who I am and accept myself for who I am. I felt all that anger that JessieBelle speaks of - mostly at my siblings and still do sometimes. I had a quieter resentment with my mom because she's old so not as responsible for her actions and I am just so overly responsible that I would be able to keep operating on auto pilot out of obligation, fear and guilt anyway. But the toxicity with my siblings let me really look at family roles and how I ended up in mine which leads to a very peaceful self acceptance. I imagine many of you are family scapegoats. As a big part of that role is to carry the negative energy of the dysfunctional family ("the sins"), it was probably destiny to end up carrying the "sin" of our parents' old age and illness as well. I think that feeling of being blamed is the root of a lot of caregiving frustration. The elder, who is really just angry that they are losing physical capabilities and mental competencies casts it off on us. We left their robe in the wrong place, we set their iced tea down in the wrong spot, we left the blind up or left the blind down or whatever the round of petty complaints is today. In fact these petty complaints might be very common for elders in the most healthy families. But if you were the family scapegoat, the triggering of that constant criticism and blame you experienced as a child can revive all the old resentments. It helps to journal, to realize that it's true - you've been carrying too much of the blame from a time when you certainly didn't deserve any of it. Alcoholism, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional neglect - we were kids, we were not to blame for this. When you see the pattern of dysfunction and realize it's not about you, it is easier to let these things go, to separate yourself from it. You aren't a child anymore - don't let them make you feel worthless. Think instead how you came out of a childhood like that with enough love in your spirit to do what you're doing. We're amazing!

notlikemom, I remember how hard it was at 4 months. I had a good look at how the feelings in me have changed rather quickly and realized it was because I knew that my father is dying and that my mother's mind is leaving her. Being angry with them seemed to be only a way of hurting myself more. Anger is such a bad feeling and I don't want to feel it anymore. I know that we each have to deal with our own emotions, so this is not the way for many people. In my case, my anger was more toxic to me than my parents. Maybe it is still inside me somewhere, but for now it is gone. Actually, I think it's gone, though I'm sure normal anger is going to rear its head again from time to time. I don't miss that toxic anger at all! I think it was going to eat me up from the inside out.

My father is getting very weak, so my biggest concern at the moment is to make his last days on earth as comfortable and safe as possible. My mother's slipping mind could be more challenging. She refuses to be tested, but I think she would probably be diagnosed with moderate dementia. She is either not remembering or remembering wrong, and feeling fear and anger about it. And I feel her pain, because I know how I would feel if it were happening to me. And I know it may happen to me if I live long enough.

I love that the focus is off the anger I was feeling. It wasn't serving any purpose other than making me feel bad, since I was here for the long haul.

elizabethgrace, it is not your responsibility to take responsibility for how your mother feels which is codependency and that comes from emotional enmeshment with another person's emotions and causes us to feel whatever they feel. Your mother needs to take responsibility for dealing with her own feelings instead of expecting you or anyone else to fix them.

It is not easy to do, but it sounds like you need to detach with love so that you don't have to play your mom's passive/aggressive game of emotional blackmail via the unholy trinity of Fear, Obligation and Guilt! I would suggest buying the book, Emotional Blackmail by Susan Forward.

Also, it is not your responsibility to take care of her, but to see that she is taken care of and is safe which is also your brother's responsibility as well.

Dear notlikemom, it's a day-to-day effort to stay on top of the emotions. Honestly, my mom being in a peaceful state right now has a lot to do with it. Wish so much didn't depend on that, but it does. When she's miserable and feels like I should be able to fix it, then I get twisted around emotionally and the anger can show back up. It also helps that my brother, although he does not live close by, validates my feelings and expresses appreciation for what I have taken on with mom.

If you can talk to a counselor, so much the better. It really helps that mom's counselor is willing to spend time with me. My mom appears to be a very sweet, soft-spoken kind little lady, which she can be. However, if you look up passive/aggressive in the dictionary, there's a picture of my white haired little mom. That is not apparent to most people.

One of my favorite (ha!) quotes from my mom: "You're the daughter and it is your responsibility to take care of me. Your brother is a man and he has important things to do." Wonder if she's referring to my RETIRED brother? And I guess the daughter she's speaking of is the one with a family, a job and a consulting business on the side?

Of course my brother thinks that is hilarious. I do too, except the joke is on me!

notlikemom, it sounds like your mother is one of those people who hoovers people in with being nice and then treats them mean. It does seem like when our parents get old and fall apart, it brings to the surface family of origin issues with greater intensity and we see where we are not as over somethings or as free from somethings or knew somethings as well as we thought. May I suggest writing a letter to your mother stating your feelings about her. Read it aloud, burn it in a safe container and then cast the ashes to the wind. My therapist had me to do that once I was really in touch with my feelings and after the shock of my mind's memories which had not been there before. I wish you well.

Jessie & Elizabeth-blessings for letting the anger go. You have taken back your days and your own feelings. The peace that provides must be awesome. I am not there yet, but you give me hope.
Burned-glad you vented. That's alot of stress to deal with on top of careing for someone. You and your husband have your own life, good and bad, and you must make choices that work for the two of you, not everyone else. Hugs.
I am still angry because the hurts are fresh-my Mom jsut moved in 4 months ago. She's being nicer now, but I don't believe it will last., I need time to come to terms with how I've been feeling, and to see how I will handle it when she gets mean again. I forgave both my parents for the way they raised me, but this is too raw yet. Every day is a new adventure, and I just keep trying to roll with the punches.

I have learn to overcome the travesty that was my childhood but does not make up for the treatment my husband is getting from his family...these ppl expect me to pick up the phone and call them on everything ...when they need to initate the support... which hasn't been none.. and my sister thinks she is the queen of perfection when she is bossy and pigheaded; very selfish and rude. I have tried to talk sense to her but never works main fault is that my husband is getting paranoid about his family coming out of the wood work to sabotaged what i have already been doing for the past 5 yrs and well wouldnt u know its not gonna happen...they never care in 07 or any other time why should i let bygones be bygones... right now my focus is on the immediate my children and my husband...everyone else who doesnt like the way i live my life can kiss my sister has some nerve still and my parents seem like they care but they only do what is necessary....what hurts is they never send a bday card for nate's bday or my daughter's bday ...only person that did that was my grandmother Patsy....she remember and bless us as best as she god has her in arms...I miss her so much but our families or so detach from each other i do not think we all really know each other anymore....more like ya doing type of communication...I am just tired of the silence and selfishness...but i found out one of my email's hit a sore spot with my sister after I move to Az ....left her bawling for days but she had no guilt or remorse for her actions and thus burning a bridge that she is working hard to heal...i could not care less...I try my hardest to save money not waste it what happens in her own life is her choice...I am not going to fix her mistakes or my sister in laws mistakes from ignoring/putting my husband and family down to be down right cold hearted...sorry I just got all this stuff bottled up and i haven't even scraped it with my therapist yet...

Oh, JessieBelle! Aren't those days the best? When you realize that the smoldering anger isn't there-even if it is for a day. Sometimes my anger turns to acceptance, sometimes I feel sad for my parents because of all the joy they missed in their lives, sometimes I can see the humor in some of it. Even compassion has shown up.

On the bad days, I recall how self-absorbed they were - Dad wildly controlling, Mom retreating into mental illness. Today my husband and I were talking about the last 15 years, where we allowed their crisises to swallow our lives at times.

But I've tried to be the kind of mom I would have loved as a young adult with small children. I do things for my daughter and her family, (I'm making drapes right now that she's wanted), we take trips together, we're generous, but not overly so, we never criticize. We get great joy from them and they seem to love to be with us. I'm so blessed in that way.

I'm thankful that right now Mom is in a peaceful state, although dementia has robbed her of her memories or maybe because of that. She's still really only interested in herself - how she feels, how she looks...and how I look - but the dementia (or maybe the drugs) have also robbed her of the mental illness. How good is that? She doesn't even remember my father's cruelty to her or us.

Talking to Mom's wonderful, caring counselor has helped me immensely. Caregiving is a land-mine of guilt some days.

I try to look for the good. Even though I'm doing this without a sibling's help, Mom had the resources to live in an assisted living (with LOTS of assistance required) and the staff there has been amazing. They are positive and encouraging to Mom and to me.

One thing that is still hard is when well-meaning people, who had good relationships with their parents (who are now deceased), tell me that I should be happy to still have my mom, even with dementia. They are clueless what it means to care for a parent with whom you never had a warm relationship.

I wanted to share something this morning. I had a day from hell yesterday, and I was stressed out to the max. But something was different. I didn't have the anger and other bad feelings that I once did. When I woke up this morning, my concern was for my father's heart and weakness and for my mother's failing mind. I've noticed a lot of changes in myself the past few days. I am beginning to see some of the mean things that happen in a more humorous light. It is not so serious. And today I realized that the anger I once felt so strong is turning into compassion for the people I was so angry at. What is bringing on the change, I don't know, but I do like it. It feels so much better than the anger.

burnedncaringst, Wow, that is a lot of dark dysfunctionalism to over come!!!! So, your husband's family treats him as if he were still a little boys instead of the grown man that he is? How tragic. Congratulations for breaking the chain/pattern.

Ok ...let me start with saying I had 2 different dysfunctional families. My sperm donor dad would beat my mom and get drunk all the time.. My mom after the divorce went thru severe depression but found a new man with similarities to the old one. He would drink and insult and put us down cuz we werent his kids.
I was about 3 yrs olds when I say my bio dad ( sperm donor) take a knife to my mom's throat threatening to kill her. I also had experiences of being in a locked room with my brother and sister when we were younger...during hot and cold days cuz my mom didnt want to get out of her bed period..

One day incident happen with us kids and soon to be new dad.... we all had to go the bathroom...we were screaming and yelling for that blasted door to be we couldnt hold it...we did what we had to choice left to us. So my new drunk dad comes home to find out and pursues in whipping us for it when we shouldnt have been. My soon to be step dad found out and I told him the truth ...I think I was about 4 at the time my vision wasn't great ...i said yes i had made a mess but I wasn't going to cry out for him since while he was drunk he seem to get off on it ...I took my whipping and he whipped me for the longest time...I have a battle scar above my rear faintly shape tissue of an bald eagle belt buckle.. My mom finally told him to stop...

trust me not the parents went out couple nights after the spankings we got and the neighbors noticed i wasnt involved with the other kids...she gave me milk and cookies....she lifted the back of my shirt and she tooks pics.. she called the cops..we were in foster home for about yr or mom and dad were arrested ( step dad)... They had to go thru parenting classes and show stable home....foster homes are not fun... One day my mom comes to visit us kids at the home and she told me i was a liar and not her daughter....

Not too soon after that they got married and my bio dad tried to kidnap us on their wedding day at my grandpa's house....fisticuffs ensued and grandpa got his hunting dad got arrested...

Now bio dad and new step dad still drank alot at this time... and i seen my bio dad beat his 3 yr old son new marriage over a floor length mirror in a new house..
At our new house my step dad called us names and beat my baby mother rarely did a thing...alcohol still played a major part in our lives... fast forward to where we are at least 10 and 11...step dad threaten to kill us if we tell the judge no on adopting forward 5 yrs later they have a baby girl and their child things are better but the name calling forward almost 20 yrs later and no one wants to talk about it....i end up trapping myself in my novels and poetry...and when i got in actual fights defending family my parents wonder why i didnt get arrested for assault and battery...I have endure alot and trying to not to become the pattern far my husband and I have endure to work things out and his is more like he is still a child not a man type deal... how I have manage to hold on to knowing truth from fiction and not really communicating much with my relationship with my step dad has improved and there is still a barrier between my mom and I ...I basically forgive myself and forgive them...tho it be nice to clear the air but that will never happen...

Oh, good news! Woo Hoooooooo! :D

notlikemom, thanks, it does me good to know that what I'm doing is being helpful. Yes, I've learned a lot.

We got good news from my wife's biopsy today that there is no cancer and not any reason to have another mammogram done any sooner than a year from now!!! Thanks for everyone's prayers.

Cmag-you are a big help to us on the site and I appreciate you for it! Your journey has been a long one, and it sounds like you have learned alot. Even if everything wasn't perfect for your boys, as a parent, you did everything you could. It made them who they are, and it sounds like they are good boys.
Emjo-Good luck on the diet. If this IUD works, I plan to change some eating habits starting in March. Until then, the shot I'm on adds weight each year and there's no fighting it. I liked your nar. jokes, but they made me sad, too.
Hope you here something soon Cmag about your wife's results.

some one else's house is not in order???? Oh my! cmag. Getting some one is, or your older son to help could make some headway. Fair enough to pay your son. I am thinking of getting someone in to do some cleaning.

notlike - I do like the phrase hoovering in - it works. Glad you are seeing the big picture. It is an ongoing game. I have experienced exactly the same thing. Sometimes mother is "nice" for a while, but it is all part of manipulation. The nasty comes back soon enough.

Mother - re her birthday in May is still sending emails out with the same requests to many, and also some misunderstandings etc.Fortunately my nephew, in her city, is a sensible man and in touch with what is going on and helping me sort out the confusion. I know from past experience this will just escalate until the event happens - another 4 months is lots of time for her to do her thing,.and create maximum chaos and excitement.

Talking about drugs I am trying to get off one - well only vitamin B3 for slighly high blood fats- by changing my eating habits so I eat very low carb and calories a couple of days a week and moderately the rest of the time. This regime - if followed properly - lowers weight, blood sugar, blood fats, blood pressure and a number of other things that benefit health. Wish me luck. It is supposed to lower leptin levels (the hunger hormone) too, and seems to be working so far, but it is early.

Hope everyone had a decent day. cmag you and your wife are still in my prayers. I gather you may get news of the biopsy soon.

love and hugs

notlikemom, with both boys away at college, the wife and I are on our own.

Our oldest always helped the most. The youngest was extremely difficult to get going in that direction. I think part of it was his ADD which we discovered very late and his mom would not back me up in pushing him for they are much closer than the oldest an her are. While there was a point where the two were somewhat enmeshed, I got him into therapy and did Tae Kwon Do with him which helped. Our oldest was old enough to really see things when she was going through the toughest part of her journey about her mother issues and began distancing himself from her. At that point, I had to play both dad and mom, plus I tried to be therapist with each boy. Those were extremely rough years! We tried to give them as normal a family as was possible at that time, but my wife has been the healthiest she's ever been since 2005. I started learning how not to get hoovered into her stuff back in 2002. Until then, I just endured. I've been working on my issues about that since 2002 in therapy and once I changed to a different therapist in 2005 really got to work on my family of origin of issues which focused on almost exclusively on mom. My very first therapist mainly helped me with much needed boundaries at that time, but for various reasons I did not continue with her. She did tell me that I would eventually see what my mom had done to me, would become very angry about it, and hoped that I could forgive her. Sometimes, I want to go back to her just to tell her how far that I have come. It has been good, however, to have a male therapist for the rest of my family of origin journey.

We have thought about asking our oldest to come home one weekend to help with things and give him some extra money for doing so. He lives only an hour away.

I learned about the hoovering concept from a book on stop walking on eggshells. The more you detach and fewer times that you get hoovered in, the stronger you will become. Plus, you will become more perceptive as to when she or anyone for that matter is trying to hoover you into their manipulation game. I've found my gut feels it before my head figures it out and I've had to learn to trust it, plus at first just get back in touch with my own feelings at first.

I'm glad to give you and others support. I feel like I'm still making some difference in the world when what I say is helpful. :)

cmag-your house sounds like mine - too much to always be done! Can your boy(s) help more? It sounds like you and your wife worked hard to give them a normal growing up, despite what you both came from. Maybe they would like to help but don't know how to ask. Or, like mine, is willing to help but is too young (20 years old LOL) to see what needs to be done without being told. We raised our son on the 3-legged stool concept. Our family consisted of 3 people and the only way the stool wouldn't fall over was if we all supported each other. Or how about taking advantage of a coupon or special for a cleaning service? Consider it a gift to yourselves, and once things are straightened up, it may be easier to maintain them. If none of that will work, just remember your wife loves you whether the floors are clean or not. Do what you can, and the rest really doesn't matter. Hugs.
I am working on not being hoovered. What a visual! I think I am going to get plenty of practice until her time comes. I know I won't always be strong enough to keep her from hurting me, but I am trying. And trying to support and help my Dad, too. The support I get from you all is worth everything to me.

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