
Woohoo! Being diligent seems to have paid off. After 3 rounds of antibiotics (I don't think the first 2 got rid of it!), mom is finally able to have a relatively normal (for her) conversation this afternoon. She kept her eyes open and responded. A week ago, she would just listen, maybe, then go off on some tangent I couldn't even understand.
It sure was refreshing. She still has dementia but it's back to the pleasantly confused type, not the let's-go-visit-dead-people type.
Thanks for all your support. I'm sure I'll be back with another issue at some point soon but for today I am happy!

Yay!!!!! 😁

Great advocating for your mom, Well Done!

Thanks for sharing, I'm sure you are very encouraged, a good feeling to have.

Great news!!! Good for you.

Good for you for following up and advocating for your mom!

You rock!

Excellent news! Way to advocate for her!

You are very lucky that after so long with this UTI, that she has returned to her baseline. Some are not so lucky. My mother's UTI went undiagnosed in ICU and step-down because the Doctor and Nurses there don't really have the knowledge and understanding of how OVER hydrating a patient can make Urinalysis look "fine" and how UTI's can't always be seen in BMPs and CBCs and how the anti-inflammatory meds they had her on was keeping her temp down in "normal range." Nor would her RN that was drawing her UAs off the external catheter (which was filtering her sample) container on the wall after it had been in there for HOURS (White cells and Bacteria settle to the bottom) listen that this is NOT an appropriate sample, by ANY means. Being a lab worker, I tried to explain. They would not listen. Her delirium was ridiculous. They chalked it up to her dementia. It wasn't until she was in Rehab that an *LPN* recognized the delirium was *thee* obvious symptom and requested the Urine Culture from the NP there. 4 weeks (possibly more as she may have had it before the accident that put her in the ICU), with a UTI and the damage has been done. She has regained SOME of her previous baseline, but she is so much worse now than she was. She took a HUGE step down because of this missed UTI. Thank GOD your mom's nursing team recognized it early enough.

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