My adult son has been placed in adult family homes in the last year (now paid with only Medicaid / DSHS). Both homes he’s been in are owned and run by (legal) immigrants who have poor English speaking or none. So, there have been language barriers, miscommunications with family, medical providers, pharmacies, medical transportation, drivers, etc. The homeowners / providers and caregivers in these homes are all from the same foreign country immigrating to US sponsored to work and even live within these AFHs. Some received their nursing education in their own countries like the Philippines or Kenya for examples. Finding out in my experiences they can have their own cultures of what is cleanliness. So, some believe bathing or washing their hair only once per week is normal, acceptable, or even better for you. Or keeping the home at 80 degrees fully dressed sweating is acceptable for unhealthy and medically compromised residents. They get paid thousands $ per month per resident. Like $7,000 + per month for my son. All his clothing, supplies, formula (tube feeding only) and medical bed, haircuts, nail trimmings, etc. provided & delivered by Medicaid or the services provide by the family. So, I’d think with AFHs it’s expensive for Medicaid / Medicare & taxpayers. Wouldn’t it be cheaper for states to do a better job helping families with less conundrum to help their loved ones in their own homes and allow family to some full-time skilled caregivers when help is critical? AFHs commonly keep residents in their rooms alone isolated, no activities or outings or social events ever. They will do the bare minimum and only do what is itemized written to be done by DSHS. So, for example if a resident should be moved in bed often, rotated reducing pressure points, or have any gentle passive range of motion for risk of joint contractures etc., they won’t do it even if it’s just common sense and humane. And claim they are not educated or qualified enough to do any of this. And it’s Only if they get paid extra. Families I know wouldn’t do this in their home, wouldn’t be compromising the health and welfare of a loved one while Hustling for more $$$. I provided home care until the help wasn’t there from the state for me to keep it up. It’s 24/7 care and some skilled nursing care is required everyday & at night which I could do myself, but I had to work too, to pay the mortgage, utilities, debts, and car payment, etc. And in my state, you are penalized for having a home of your own, “an asset," no matter how little it’s worth or if you have already used up all your equity to help things out. They will help you when they take your home away from you, so homeless. Soon enough they will consider our homes all capital gains here. Rather than it’s just a HOME you pay a bank to live in for years (instead of paying the high constantly unstable rising rent costs out there especially with corporate rental housing investors). But the adult family homes get paid by the state more or accordingly for the rising average cost of their mortgages or property values. They benefit, win/win. We families lose.
May The Lord give you grieving mercies, strength and comfort during this difficult time.
My son died. Went to ER Thursday evening his father saw him, told his home he needs to go to the doc, he had nonstop vomiting, and he died Friday next day.
Severe necrotic pancreatitis leading to other organ failure , septic shock and insulin issues found. It Came as a surprise to some since there were no pancreatic conditions diagnosed prior , yet . And his adult family home not quailed or educated to identify the alarming signs & symptoms. And they had very low budget blood pressure reading devices and other vital sign devices.. Which was once compared to the firemen findings And the home’s was not accurate compared. My Apple Watch was more accurate compared with heartbeat. So wondering who is going to be checking up on these home devices ?
He had very high triglycerides that could have contributed to the pancreatitis over time. But again the home is not knowledgeable enough to be aware of this. And there were many communication issues between home and all of his specialists and doctors and state DSHS workers.
My young son Being bed ridden for a year and a half from muscle atrophy with joint subluxations / dislocations and contractures all caused by being bed ridden , confined to a bed, and not allowed to get up on his own terms at a hospital and later at the homes. Hospital and home Physical therapies and rehab were delayed or denied by Medicaid and ignored brushed off by state DSHS workers And some home PTs were not qualified enough to be interventional with his many cognitive issues and they had no proper equipment. He should’ve had inpatient rehab that was never approved which seemed like there is no common sense there or maybe just too costly, insurance denied. or hospital social worker didn’t know how to go about this , not sure . But Being bedridden like this could have contributed to the high triglycerides and overall poor metabolism,, circulation, etc..
He had many serious medical conditions like adrenal insufficiency, and diabetes insipidus (not the insulin type) , seizures, cardiovascular issues , etc. And he was still recovering from radiation, stem transplant, and the very toxic and patient chemotherapies he had. This was the second time in his life he went through cancer treatments.
So why was he placed in a low budget , very low skilled simple adult family homes by state DSHS. They would not approve him for a more skilled nursing home facility ever. And they often left the family in the dark about everything. And they often not returning phone calls or emails for weeks & even months , and faxing documents to them never ever went through no matter what day or time of day.
He should’ve at least had some type of knowledgeable medically educated delegated person navigating and coordinating the his complex medical conditions and state / Medicaid conundrums.
It’s unbelievable .
My son died. Went to ER Thursday evening his father saw him, told his home he needs to go to the doc, he had nonstop vomiting, and he died Friday next day.
Severe necrotic pancreatitis leading to other organ failure , septic shock and insulin issues found. It Came as a surprise to some since there were no pancreatic conditions diagnosed prior , yet . And his adult family home not quailed or educated to identify the alarming signs & symptoms. And they had very low budget blood pressure reading devices and other vital sign devices.. Which was once compared to the firemen findings And the home’s was not accurate compared. My Apple Watch was more accurate compared with heartbeat. So wondering who is going to be checking up on these home devices ?
He had very high triglycerides that could have contributed to the pancreatitis over time. But again the home is not knowledgeable enough to be aware of this. And there were many communication issues between home and all of his specialists and doctors and state DSHS workers.
My young son Being bed ridden for a year and a half from muscle atrophy with joint subluxations / dislocations and contractures all caused by being bed ridden , confined to a bed, and not allowed to get up on his own terms at a hospital and later at the homes. Hospital and home Physical therapies and rehab were delayed or denied by Medicaid and ignored brushed off by state DSHS workers And some home PTs were not qualified enough to be interventional with his many cognitive issues and they had no proper equipment. He should’ve had inpatient rehab that was never approved which seemed like there is no common sense there or maybe just too costly, insurance denied. or hospital social worker didn’t know how to go about this , not sure . But Being bedridden like this could have contributed to the high triglycerides and overall poor metabolism,, circulation, etc..
He had many serious medical conditions like adrenal insufficiency, and diabetes insipidus (not the insulin type) , seizures, cardiovascular issues , etc. And he was still recovering from radiation, stem transplant, and the very toxic and patient chemotherapies he had. This was the second time in his life he went through cancer treatments.
So why was he placed in a low budget , very low skilled simple adult family homes by state DSHS. They would not approve him for a more skilled nursing home facility ever. And they often left the family in the dark about everything. And they often not returning phone calls or emails for weeks & even months , and faxing documents to them never ever went through no matter what day or time of day.
He should’ve at least had some type of knowledgeable medically educated delegated person navigating and coordinating the his complex medical conditions and state / Medicaid conundrums.
It’s unbelievable .
And they will take your assets and 401K etc etc etc , unless you have a really good elder care or long term care lawyer.
And yes our state is trying to go towards property / homes could be “income”. So far calling it excise taxes constitutionally for now. .
So the future is not known. Balance of power in govt is good I hope .
And they will take your assets and 401K etc etc etc , unless you have a really good elder care or long term care lawyer.
And yes our state is trying to go towards property / homes could be “income”. So far calling it excise taxes constitutionally for now. .
So the future is not known. Balance of power in govt is good I hope .
My family is mixed, my husband was born in a foreign country but has been a US citizen for years, speaks fluent English, German and Spanish. He served in the US military and is employed. The English language is actually mixed. If you looked into the history of “English”, you would not be able to understand it. Old or middle English. If I move to Mexico, I would expect myself to learn Spanish as best as I could continually and not take on any jobs where it would be critical that I speak enough Spanish professionally fluently. in Mexico, I think the majority speak Spanish there , so the best logic would be to learn Spanish and not fight it and expect them to all to learn English for me.
And my sons adult family home provider / owner is always around. She wants total control. She has not been doing it for very long. She does not want the other caregivers to speak with us regarding his care or anything else. She communicates with his medical providers, but some of them say have a hard time understanding her. Not about being offensive debating on what we had here hundreds of years ago.. it is what it is , the majority of people in the professional world here speak English, but probably not for long.
The problem is not where the owners are from or what language they speak. The problem is their motivation for being owners in the first place. TRUST me when I tell you, owners do not give a rat's donkey about the residents. Only the income. When the owners are visiting a facility they own 8 hours away from where they reside in the same state, they are still going in to talk to their most destitute of residents draped in gold chains, watches, Armani suits. When the residents complain about the poor care they receive, they make empty promises to fix the problem but nothing ever changes except the Balance in their bank account. Every word of their promises spoken in English, from mouths born and raised in America.
There a few "six packs" as Alva describes the 6 person residential board and care facilities, and they tend to be highly sought out over the venture capital money grabbing traditional facilities.
Many outside the United States value caregiving as an essential part of the community and their participation. I could only wish that it would be this highly valued in the United States.
The costs of care, the regulations, the fact that now you don't just serve a meal but serve the exact calories and things that cannot and can go in it, and on and on and on. It became not worth it for them. Not a business that could survive.
So most of our family care type places are gone. The social workers became more and more devastated trying to seek good care.
A tough subject, this, to be sure. Very.
You write, “And in my state, you are penalized for having a home of your own, “an asset," no matter how little it’s worth or if you have already used up all your equity to help things out. They will help you when they take your home away from you, so homeless.”
The state doesn’t penalize you for having an asset. They expect you to pay your own way rather than have their taxpayers pick up the burden. Only when you can no longer take care of yourself should taxpayers have to provide for you. As a taxpayer, I’m happy to help those in real need. But you aren’t in REAL need if you can pay your own way.
We have so few here who are Daughters of the American Revolution.
As an RN I would tell you that I worked with so very many people from other countries. My last trainees were actually from Russia.
Oddly enough I found so much more of love and respect in these cultures than in my own. They truly CARED for these elders.
I am very sorry you are receiving what you feel is sub-par care. You will find that those jobs that are least treasured (picking our food out of the growing fields comes to mind) are often taken on by the newer immigrants among us. The persons you see "living" in these care homes? They are on 24 hour duty call, and are not well paid. Needless to say.
Then there are the jobs that the CORPORATIONS don't want to do any more.
Think of Human Resources and Pension plans and billing and customer service. They "outsource this" usually to poorly paid immigrants here on H 1 B work visas, who live in a sort of ghetto in towns (usually they hail from East India) such as Maple Shade, NJ and work from home, all day on the phone answering your calls, often poorly trained and unable to help you.
But like I said, Corporations don't care to do that work anymore and save, they save, average 25% by farming it out in this manner.
When you get as BIG as the United States of America (where quite honestly a whole lot of people would kill to die to get to, and DO), and as complex as we are, with as many needs and wants, things fall through the cracks.
I have never found an answer. I think perhaps the answer is to become very, very wealthy? Not sure. Haven't got there yet. But my neigborhood in San Francisco is notorious for being one of the prized, and daily I see the nannys caring for the multitude of children. They are sooooo kind to them. I sit in the park and watch, watch them at the library hours. And yup, guess what, those kids are already, at about age 2, MULTI-lingual.
I wish you the best of luck. You have taken on a huge subject here. One with so many tendrils and branches out into the society as a whole. I wish you luck of it, and I sympathize with your frustration.