
I think my post was removed because people were making nasty comments about me and I called someone a bully.

If you were being "bullied", in reality, the "bully" posts would've been removed. Instead, your post was shut down to further comments because beating a dead horse is exhausting.

Now you're posting again, trying to convince us you're the victim, after getting tons and tons of useful advice?

Many of us have been forum members for a number of years, not because we like social media so much. But because we've walked a hard road with our loved ones and come here to share those experiences with others who are struggling. Not to play games or give 24/7 advice to people who are just fooling around online wasting time and don't really want it. Reddit is a much better place for that type of drama than AC. I suggest you take your future questions there.

I was bullied at age 10. I was told to 'turn the other check'. I had no idea what that meant. I tried to ignore. Bully kept on.

Then I stood my ground & stood up for myself. That worked. It worked again at 12 & has done ever since.

Your veil Karsten brings to mind a transit operator. She usually has a sweater/towel (?) draped over the plexiglass protection door, so I guess to deter riders from carrying on a long conversation with her, or maybe boarding riders don't have to really see her. LOL

You made these monsters by not having boundaries early on. Your relationship to your parents is too emeshed. When you marry, your husband is your #1. Parents job is done. Hopefully, they move on having friends and activities of their own. You go on to maybe having your own family, which you blame you parents for not having. I have gone away, told my parents when I am leaving and when I am coming back. Not once did I call them during my vacation and not once was I barrated for it. My girls do not tell me every place they go. I don't get calls every day and that is OK. They have lives.

Now they are 90+ you want to set boundaries? I understand, your a Senior too with health problems of your own and your tired. Tell them that. You don't have the energy to cater to their every whim.

You either have a "come to Jesus talk" with Mom and Dad or except this is your life until they die. And your poor husband, he is a Saint. He is looked over and does not seem to complain. He must really love you.

You were shut down because your postings go no where. You just complain. This is a forum for those with problems they had no part in causing and need help. You caused your own problems by allowing your parents to be too involved in your life. Now you are suffering the consequences.

Well said Anxiety, and to which I will add an Amen!

Therapy would help you to understand that people have limited patience with those who ask for help , receive tons of help ………then the people who give you help are told by you that our help “ is funny “ , entertaining , and that we must have nothing better to do . That was you basically laughing at us . We wasted our time .

The cherry on top of this tall sundae is for you to return here and believe you are the victim . I’m sure you learned to play the victim role very well from your mother.

People tire of this , just like people tire of alcoholics , drug addicts etc . who don’t try to improve .
You have to want to make changes or people will walk away .

I think people confuse 'blunt' with 'bullying'. So many people have 'been there, done that' that they just want to get to the point and often we have posters that want to beat a topic to death rather than actually do anything about it.

Nothing is more frustrating than listening to an OP shoot down all suggestions either insisting they tried that or knowing it just won't work...and we all know they haven't tried it, they just want to complain and not put in the effort to make a change happen.

This isn't a forum for patting someone of the back for being a martyr. We are trying to give real life perspectives on real issues. But if you refuse to take any action people will get short with you.

I think you received a lot of wonderful advice concerning your elderly parents and your poor husband who is so sick and went on a business trip with a feeding tube. I think we've exhausted the conversation unless there is something new that you need advice on.

You do have a lot of drama in your life, I can say that.

here here, Or how I am forced to acknowledge the gender of someone as they see it, not how I see it

While I dont see alot of bullying here, to the degree it may exist is no different than why it exists on internet in general

Easy to be mean when you dont hear a persons voice, look at their face, their eyes etc

Same reason road rage is an issue. People would rarely be that mean to each other in direct contact, but in cars you are behind a veil

You know Romeo, I’ve gotten my own questions shut down because of a couple stances I’ve had. One, how I and dh do not relate at all to the recipient stories in organ donation and how difficult it is to get off a list once you’ve signed on at 16. The other was about how I don’t think a fully intact male should be able to force females to be roommates with them just because said male identifies as female.

In both those cases admin decided there was nothing further to be said. Same as your previous threads, which you’ve had a considerable amount of leash on.

To be honest Romeo, there are people here that really need help, serious issues, that we can really help someone with that needs help and that actually wants help and isn't playing games.

There are people that truly want to help!! People that care, people that take time out of there lives to help others, not because they are addicted to social media.

But because they want to help people with things that they may have been though. That's why many of us are here.

All you want to do is ask or vent and take no advice.

I'm going to be honest I see you as rather way to much into yourself, others need help to.

And I don't see you ever helping another person or even attempt to.

It's all about you always.

I'm trying not to get angry here, but I'm sitting at the doctors, while my mom is getting a covid test. Life is not all about you all the time.

Others have issues and problems too.

Just because someone tells you a hard truth you don’t want to hear doesn’t make them a bully.

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