
Trying to find a agency that I can pay privately for 3 to 4 hours a week to come in and observe and direct my mom with her leg with lymphedema her medication, monitor her to use her leg pumps. It has to be a skilled nurse. So I want to know is I choose to have a skilled nurse from a agency for my mom can I do that if I'm paying. With these as killed nurse services my mom also will be able to get ADL care that we can pay for also out of the money we will receive for the skilled nurse 3-4hr

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There is Bayada nursing in Delaware. Have you checked them out?
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This will be hard and expensive. Try some of the NHs in DE. Manor Care and Cadia are two my DD has worked for. On Foulk Rd there are lots. Ask if any of their RNs do work outside the facility. Actually, an LPN maybe able to do what ur asking. RNs tend to work the desk and are the bosses. The LPNs work with the patients.
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I seriously doubt that a registered nurse would be working for an agency. Agency employees don’t receive the salaries that registered nurses do.

Nurses would be working privately and charging fair wages for their work.

It’s possible that you could find a nursing student who would be willing to work for lower wages. I have known people who have hired students to help with caregiving.

Explain your situation to your mom’s doctor and see if there are any services available for you to utilize.

Best of luck in finding a viable solution.
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Did you first check with insurance? You are right about needing a skilled nurse. Out of pocket will be a premium price. Since this an international forum, you have to search in your area. Those agencies may have skilled caregivers who use a nurse for a consult. Also most agencies contract for 4 hours minimum per visit
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I would discuss this with your mother's doctors, insurance company for supplemental and etc.
Difficult for strangers to make an assessment on needs and circumstances. This is something for a nurse manager and social workers to advise on. You tell us in profile your mom is dealing with breast cancer. She will now have a medical team and I would discuss this with them. Visiting nurses can be ordered and paid for on most supplemental policies.
Good luck.
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