
It is getting to the time we need to try meds for my husband, but worried about side effects. Any suggestions?

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Don’t be afraid of meds. No legit doctor wants their patients to be drooling zombies. It may take some trial and error at first to get a med and the dosage just right. The goal is to soothe, not sedate. Meds aren’t just for people in the streets who mumble to themselves.

If your husband is agitated, depressed, or anxious… it’s no fun for him either. He deserves relief. You wouldn’t withhold insulin if he were diabetic! So don’t withhold the help that his brain needs.

EVERYTHING we ingest, be it medication, herbal so-called remedies, food and drinks can all have side effects. That’s not a reason to not help him
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Reply to LoopyLoo

Corkycork, it would be easier to answer if we need more, the age of your husband, his health conditions.

My suggestion is not a popular suggestion because in many states it's illegal, but I would suggest CBD gummies, very low dose.

But I will also say anything you try I would watch him for falls the first week or so.

Most of those meds have side effects
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy
LoopyLoo Jun 20, 2024
Every med has side effects, not just “those” meds. CBD has side effects too.
I use CBD Gummies for myself for a calming effect or sleep . Start with a Half gummie after Lunch or dinner . Vena Or Medterra CBD gummies are good
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