
That's pretty much it, in a condensed version. Now that I'm seeing my future as being homeless, with no money, I'm looking for someone that knows about wages I should have received (overtime and Holidays). I was never given a day off. I was taken advantage of. I was told I would never have to worry about looking for another place to live because I could live here until the day he dies and the house gets sold. To be even more convincing, he notarized the letter he wrote stating this and added this to his will. I believed him. Do you have any suggestions? I have a court date 11/26/24 and I had Legal Aid at the courthouse help me file my Answer, but they don't represent you. I NEED HELP!

This is the third time you have written us about this.
We have given you answers on your posts.
I would suspect that, after this has been in the posts three times, we likely have not much more to offer you in terms of ideas for you to try.
I do wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I think that yes, you are looking now at being homeless and in shelter.
You do have caregiving experience. You can get a job caring for people for PAY which is how this should have been done. I don't mean to victimize the victim here, but you were taken advantage of because either you lacked knowledge or you chose to believe without good reason to do so. Your letters here serve to warn others, tho that's little help for you. I hope you will update us after your appearance, but they will simply say the agreement was care for housing and that's over.
Make use of the government; call APS for YOURSELF and get shelter housing. Get a job, work and get a room in someone's home. Work up to small efficiency apartment. You CAN do this as you have a skill to sell that is much needed. But this time GET PAID for your work. That is how we live in this country. The system is very very tough.
Continuing to wish you luck ongoing. But you need to learn to dot the i's and cross the t's. Hoping for the best will end in the worst as here it has done.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Do you have a copy of that letter? I am not sure how you will get back pay without a contract in place. Without weekly time sheets. Sorry for your situation but we are caregivers from all over the US. I don't know how much more we can say to you that we already haven't. Go to Social Services in your County and see if they can provide you with temporary housing. Please come back and tell us how it works out.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Did you have a Caregiving Contract?

What did it say?

Without one, you have no legal standing in a court case. Nothing to ask the judge to enforce.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to cxmoody

Notarizing means the notary is just witnessing that the signers are the people they represent themselves to be. It does not make something a binding legal contract. Nonetheless, find the letter and present it in court if you make it that far.

He added it to his Will? Did you see the actual Will? Did he leave you the house? He's not dead so what good is the Will right now? Do you know Wills can be changed and you don't have to be told? They need to be legally acceptable as a Will and this varies by state.

" I was never given a day off. I was taken advantage of."

I want to correct your thinking: you allowed yourself to be taken advantage of. You never asked for any days off or had any goals or boundaries for yourself. Sister, this is mostly on you. And now you need to get yourself into gear to make the best of your remaining years. This is your only pathway forward.

My recommendation to you is to not go to court without representation, especially if your "landlord" has one. Do whatever it takes to find someone to get a lawyer.

But, even so... ask yourself what will you "win" even, with a lawyer?

You have no legal employment contract so it is highly unlikely you can claw back any past unpaid wages. Even if you won this point you'd still have to hope he has the moeny to pay you, then you'd need to extract it from him. And, you'll still have to move out.

If I were you I'd consider just cutting my losses and leaving. Go to a women's shelter or find a church or synagogue that may be able to help you. Then apply for jobs as an actual paid caregiver or housekeeper (and learn your lesson to not ever be a live-in). All this time as a bartered (or cash-based) live-in no money has gone into your SS account for your own income in your retirement years.

Consider watching some Dave Ramsey YouTube videos about how to dig yourself out of a financial hole. Work with social services for your county and apply for Section 8 housing, food stamps, financial assistance.

I've used this online legal advice website and it's much easier and cheaper and more available than an in-person lawyer or public defender:

There are others but this is one I actually used. They will need to know what state you're in and it will cost some money (back then I paid $50 for very good guidance). Hope you have a credit card...

I sincerely wish you success in finding a safe, affordable place to live and a good-paying job. May you gain much wisdom from this situation.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

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