Hi all
We were visiting our friends in the UK for a couple of weeks over the summer and they hired a walker to help him get around, it was really helpful because my husband doesn't want to buy it, I think he is a little embarrassed but he was happy to use it.
We are planning a trip to family in California, and I wanted to find out if there is a service anyone can recommend for hiring some of the equipment we might need.
The one our friends in the UK used was I hope there is a similar one here?
Thanks all
Thanks I will try searching for what you suggested. We dont need to it fulltime just for trip as we will be doing more walking than usual.
I'm looking for any recommendations from those who may have used one, that's the reason for asking.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to brenda6704

I would have this person evaluated by homecare. A walker can be paid for thru Medicare. Then have homecare come back to make sure the height is right and teach him the proper way to use it. Your doctor can write up and order for this.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

It will cost more to RENT a walker than to BUY one outright! I'm with Alva on this. Either hubby buys the necessary equipment to take this trip safely, or you don't go. Its time to buck up and face facts now.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

I would get the walker now and take it and use it. Those with a walker will get special boarding permission and etc and be greatly helped at the airport. Do it now in your home country. As to being uncomfortable, then I honestly wouldn't be traveling with such a person. If one cannot recognize such needs and allow for this help then traveling, and especially outside the country, should be over imho. So I would be telling hubby or wife or whomever was in need of this equipment: "Look, you may not want or need or use this, and that's great. But we are not traveling without it".
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
waytomisery Sep 25, 2024
You said out loud what I would do if it was me traveling with this person .
Just Google “ Mobility Equipment Rental in _________.” Insert name of city you will be in on the line .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to waytomisery

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