
This is such a long story. There is no love lost between my siblings and me. I was caretaker for both parents until dad died 6/2017. Sister had money to afford attorney. I went legal services pro bono route. No lawyers would take the case. My siblings are highly abusive physically and mentally. Sister won case (long story) got guardian and ad litem for mom and had me evicted from family home 12/17. Then placed mom within the first year in locked down facility nursing home. Parents Will specifically states no nursing home. I was chosen POA and medical decision maker. Judge over ruled parents decision and gave guardianship and finaicial/medical decisions for mom to my sister. She put mom on Medicaid and bragged to everyone but me that home was placed in a trust. She didn't update me at all about anything concerning my mom or her medical care. I was refused visitation until she went into the nursing home.

Now, mom passed away 5/15. My heart is broken. But it's time now to execute the will. I am executor of the estate. They tried to change the entire will..but they had mom declared incompetent and it couldn't be changed.

The lawyer who did the will is retiring and only in his office 6 hours a week. He referred me to other attorneys due to family fighting.

They took/ threw away/ gave away all items in the home after I was forced out. They have taken items that are NOT theirs including my moms wedding ring as soon as she stopped breathing. Sister pocketed that as soon as she flatlined. Literally.

This is a heart breaking story of greedy siblings who viewed their parents belongings as their inheritance that they "earned".

I am still numb from losing mom, shock and disbelief at how cold and uncaring my siblings are. They are significantly older then I am. I came along 14 years and 11 years their junior.

I am disabled myself living off of SSI. $770/ mo income.

My parents built the family home from the basement on up..little bits here and there. They don't want to see it go to strangers. I am the only child with any sentimental attachment to items and the home itself. I would like , as my parents wanted as see generations of our family grow up and celebrate holidays in this once happy home.

Sister lives in the home half of the year...and drives my parents car. Even tho the judge said she could live there as long as she was caring for our mom.

Do I need to evict her?

How do I get the house keys, car keys and info regarding financial matters??

I am very worried she isn't current on the utilities and taxes.

The lawyer who drew the will up (is also county attorney and is retiring).

I need some good advice and will honestly answer any and all questions. Im flying blindly here and need advice asap.

I can't afford a new attorney. I was moving from our small town to the city when Mom passed away. I currently am staying temp basis with my daughter who lives 65 miles away from family home.

My siblings have slandered my name & character in the small town until going to the grocery store gave me more anxiety than I can explain or even rationalize.

I've had severe depression coupled with anxiety and its made my medical situation so much worse since my dad died.

Please help...I need advice on how to handle this matter asap.

My siblings play dirty, viscious games and I am afraid for my phyisical safety. My grown children have begged me to just give everything to them and simply walk away. They are afraid for my safety. But my parents made their was their final wishes and I believe it should be honored. I love my family and honor that connection. But enough is enough. The abuse has to stop. There has been significant physical and mental cruelty directed toward me and my now grown children.

I want to move forward, grieve for the loss of my parents and honor their memory as best as I can. But I need advice on how to proceed.

Thank you in advance !!

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If you are executor, the estate pays the executor-related legal bills.

You need to get established as personal representatuve, then executor. This needs to be started immediately. There are deadlines and if the process isn’t started, you’ll lose this role.

No one is allowed to sell/take/keep/disrupt property of the estate. This is very time sensitive. As executor, it is your duty to pay the bills and protect the items in the estate. If you don’t do this, you can also be removed.

It is best to have an impartial lawyer (that did not write the will) represent you now anyway. It sounds as though the lawyer who wrote the will eventually will be needed as a “witness.” Start looking around for a great lawyer. Make a call tomorrow for the first available appointment. Don’t pick the friendly, neighborhood solo practitioner with no area of specialty. Hire a big gun who is an estate expert in a large firm (well supported by experienced colleagues).

It sounds like your sister wants to steamroll you. She thinks she can push you around and get everything her way. Don’t let her continue. She will turn “nice” when she sees you gaining momentum. Don’t fall for it. Don’t cave in.

You may have looked up to her once. Stop. See her for who she is. Rise up! Do this for your parents!

This is a very important last lesson your parents are giving you. When this is over you will be stronger in every way.

Buckle your seat belt. This part of the journey is a rough ride.

You will be okay. You will get through this.
Helpful Answer (7)
Shell38314 May 2019
Excellent advice!
I am not a lawyer and this is one of those things that can vary by state but if you are the executor of the will you should be able to hire an attorney for the estate paid for by the estate. This would not be a set up of you against your siblings (though it seems to work out that way) it's your siblings fighting the estate so they need to hire their own attorneys and if you were contesting the will you would too but in this case you are the estate representative so the estate attorney will be working with you within the estate guidelines, your parents legal wishes. But if I were you I would go find a good estate lawyer to consult paid for by the estate.
Helpful Answer (6)

As the executor you are responsible to follow the directions of the Will.  The first thing that you need to do is hire an Estate Attorney!  This person will be paid by the Estate funds PRIOR to any money being given to any heirs.  ALL Court and Attorney fees and any bills  MUST be paid by the Estate PRIOR to any money being distributed to the heirs.  If your family members have a problem with that, then they can hire their own attorney.  Hire someone from a different town since your parents lived in such a small town.  Do not use the lawyer who drew up the Will if he is not going to be available because he is retiring.  Settling the Estate can take 6+ months or longer.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!  That is why your parents chose you as the Executor.
Helpful Answer (6)
PandabearAUS May 2019
This is a good answer
You need to step away from face to face with your siblings. Hire an estate lawyer to start probate and enforce your position as executor. No need for you to deal with them
The lawyer should point out that they will lose more money by fighting the contents of the will Sell the house split the gain and be rid of them
Helpful Answer (3)

You can afford a lawyer: the lawyer's fees will be legitimately paid for out of your parents' estate. Ask your friendly lawyer to recommend a successor. Don't mess about trying to sort this out yourself.
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worriedinCali May 2019
Again there has to be money IN the estate and it sounds like there may not be anything except the house....if she was on Medicaid and it sounds like she was, then the estate has no money.
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I would question why a lawyer allowed changes when a person has been found incompetent by the court. Hope u prevail.
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The estate can’t pay if the estate has no money. It sounds like there is no money and the siblings are all fighting over the house.....
Helpful Answer (2)

The county clerk is the keeper of records. Some county websites are very good, some not so much. Medicaid may not file the lien until after death. Kinda strange that sis remained in the house. Was she paying rent to mom?

When the lien is filed it will be in the county clerk's office records. That is safekeeping for all thing related to the house. The clerk's site may even have an option to search for records by address, Medicaid lien when filed will show up there.

Call Medicaid if lien is not yet showing up. They can place a lien on a home in a trust. When the home was moved to the trust it was the same as gifting the money. You NEED to see an attorney. If there is not money from estate to pay for that, many county probate courts have specific days where you can receive free help to navigate the system.
Helpful Answer (2)
kpitts0949 May 2019
She was supposed to pay rent to mom and take care of mom in the home. They didnt want a nursing home. It was written in the actual will.
But it was taken out of my hands.
I skimmed the answers but I agree that you should hand it over to a lawyer. He should only take the 5 or 6% of the estate when all is said and done. He/she will be in a lot better position than you to STOP whatever your siblings think they can do. He can keep them from selling. Ask to have any items that they have brought back to the estate. Your POA stopped when sister became guardian. Her guardianship stopped upon Moms death. He wil, do it all with letters, if they don't comply, then vourt orders. This would all be overwhelming to you.

Who inherits the home and car? If you, a lawyer will know how to proceed with evicting sister. I had a friend tell me when her Mil went into AL they were allowed to sell her house for her care. But, all her belongings had to be put in storage until her death. The storage was paid out of the woman's money. She lived for at least 10 yrs. I hope the money the siblings received from selling her belongings went to Moms care. If not, lawyer may ask that it be paid back to the estate.

I really think this is the way you should go. It may take a while but will go so much smoother. No headache for you. When all is said and done the house is saved and you can disown ur siblings.
Helpful Answer (2)
kpitts0949 May 2019
Will states that house with all contents and another piece of property are to go to me.
Dad gave them everything they were entitled to before he died. The exception being the car and truck were to be sold and the proceeds split 3 ways. But if they contest the will in any way...they get $1. And no more.
He had given his diamond wedding band to my brother ...even though it was in the will to go to him. My brother took it to a pawn shop and immediately got cash for it. Dad spoke to his attorney who talked sense into him and dad asked for the ring to be returned until after...the way the will was written. Ring was gone. And that was only 1 item.
Sister was allowed to live in the home and pay rent to mom as long as mom lived there. But she put her into the nursing home when all the care for mom fell onto her shoulders. I had done it for 15 years or more. By the rent was ever paid. Even after the court order.
I'm so agreeing with JoAnn29 how a will can be changed after being found incompetent. This is unbelievable and unbelievably cruel.

You have friends here, kpitts0949! We're pulling for you.
Helpful Answer (2)

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