
Mark has kidney disease, more specifically polycystic kidney disease. If you are not familiar, cysts grow in the kidneys. Until the later stages they are small like a popcorn ceiling. However, Mark has some that are the size of small oranges. They cannot really be drained because they will fill up again. This is what has led to his kidney failure.

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Do you really care at this point after everything he has put you through? Since he took away all your access to doctors and medical information I would just let him figure it out and deal with it.
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funkygrandma59 Apr 15, 2024
Exactly. I thought you were gladly moving on without Mark DoggieMom, so why do you keep bringing up his health issues?
He has chosen not to make them your issue by keeping his medical information between he and his nephew, yet for some reason you have chosen to cling to everything he has going on.
Have you changed your mind about getting a divorce? I sure hope not.
It's time to move on.
No, I actually filed the divorce papers today, and if am waiting to see if there are any errors I need to correct. This post was more out of curiosity and I guess to swap stories. I was unsure where to put it.
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sp196902 Apr 15, 2024
So glad the divorce is going through. I am sure someone will post about their experiences with PKD.
I get it doggymom, no matter what a jerk he is , it's hard to just stop caring. Maybe Google ways to detach myself after a divorce.
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DoggieMom86 Apr 15, 2024
I am looking into this now. I think I will have like two therapists for different things. It’s one of those things.
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yes, a good friends hubby had it, got a transplant, Also, my one son-in-law has it. I know about the disease but i wonder how many people with it, or know someone with it that kinda uses it as an excuse to get out of doing anything (folding clothes, drying dishes) = stuff that would be easy to do OR do they just not want to do anything because they want all kinds of sympathy.
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