
My mother is in an AL and has recently started developing UTIs. I know it's partly because she is sometimes left in wet pullups during the night, but mostly they do a good job of keeping her dry. The nurse suggested we put her on Aloe Vera supplements to help in the prevention of another UTI. Has anyone heard of this, familiar with this, aware of any complications from doing this? I appreciate any input from the experienced family here!


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I have heard of D-Mannose used for this, but not Aloe Vera. Hope some of the forum members have some experience on this.
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I would avoid using aloe vera supplements because there are many adverse reactions possible, like cramping and diarrhea, that can occur. Plus it can react with other meds mom takes. Search aloe vera supplements on the net and you'll see what I mean.

D-Mannose is a recommendation, as Learn2Cope said.
Helpful Answer (7)

Mare sure that the AL is able to give supplements out of a jar. Towards the end of my mother's stay in 2 different MCs in different states, all meds and vitamins had to have a doctor's order come from a pharmacy blister pack. That became law a few years ago in both states.
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I personally don't like vitamins and supplements, being a western med gal and a retired RN. But I swear by D-mannose which has helped me personally enormously.
One capsule daily they sell for about 30.00 on amazon (I get Source Natural brand) for 120.00. Worth a try for you and tastes good, so capsule can be opened and put into anything.
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ElizabethAR37 Feb 21, 2024
Based on your experience/suggestion, I started taking D-Mannose a while ago and have not had a UTI since. I think I may have fought one off last week by taking an additional 2 caps (still well within suggested dosage; my usual dose is 1 cap) and upping my water intake significantly. Thank you for the info about this.
I used to work in a natural foods store that sold supplements and I've never heard of that. What's the science behind it? THat's the first question to ask.

For my MIL in LTC we've successfully cut down her number of UTIs by about 80% by providing d-mannose supplements (find it on Amazon).

As women age, their physiology and pH changes, and this is the main reason for elder UTIs, not just hygiene.
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She needs to get more water. Besides what lea suggested there are cranbury tablets and probiotics.
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Never heard of using aloe in this situation. I did a very brief search online, and aloe vera capsules with D-mannose were mentioned as UTI treatment and prevention.

You could skip the aloe and go straight to using a D-mannose supplement. Or, get the combined capsules available online. I'm sure the nurse knows what she's talking about. Aloe is helpful for all kinds of things; why not UTIs..? That's my thinking.

You can buy a container of D-mannose loose powder and have her take one scoop dissolved in water/liquid every day. The measuring scoop comes with the powder, or at least it did with the one I bought.

*I read the thread after typing my comment. The consensus is D-mannose. lol Yup. It works!
Helpful Answer (1)

I know Aloe Vera is very popular to use in a gel/cream to soothe & help skin heal. Just the smell transports me to being sunburt or having leg shaving nicks. Didn't know it for UTIs.

Quick internet search found "Aloe Vera capsules have been proven to effectively reduce up to 92% of bladder pain, urinary frequency, urgency, and urethral burning".

Websight went on to describe "D-Mannose is a type of sugar found in cranberries that prevents bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract".

So D-Mannose is a preventative. The Aloe Vera seems more for pain relief?
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Thank you all for the insights. I would like to try the D-mannose, but there are so many varied strengths...anyone know what is the best, most common, strength used? Is it okay to take them daily?
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Geaton777 Feb 2024
It is a food supplement therefore doesn't come under the scrutiny of the FDA, which also means that it does not need to prove it works but also cannot make any claims to specifically promise to treat a condition (hence the abundant use of the words "may help with...")

One cannot overdose on d-mannose. It is a simple sugar and any excess is peed out. It doesn't interact with any other meds. Some is better than none, just make a choice, since there is no known answer regarding dosage, but I would have her take it based on what is recommended on the bottle (and please note this is a completely random suggested amount). This is what I do and it helped. I have no idea what the minimum dosage should be. There's only been an upside for her.

Aloe vera maybe is soothing but it's not a good barrier ointment since it is water soluable. It's so inert that you can drink pure aloe vera and it will do nothing, so there's no risk in recommending it for a solution to some health issues. I personally think it does nothing at all.
if you are interested in d-mannose, there is a product called Uquora that is a flavored packet that you put in water that is formulated for prevention of UTI. I believe it was created by physicians. There is a lot of information on their website. You might find it helpful. I have tried it with good results so far for my mother. Just FYI.
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pharmgirl05 Feb 2024
D-mannose can be effective, but be careful with it if your mom has diabetes or pre-diabetes because it is a simple sugar, and does elevate blood sugar when taken. Also high amounts can damage your kidneys, and can cause frequent, loose stools. You don't want to solve one issue, and cause another. It also might be a good idea to check with her doctor about adding a supplement.

Note that D-mannose can be found naturally in high amounts in fruit such as apples, oranges, peaches, blueberries, and cranberries (including dried cranberries).

Supplements are not regulated at all in the slightest, so the amounts shown on the bottle can vary from pill to pill within the same bottle. If you decide to give her supplements, I would stick with the smallest amount to avoid any adverse side affects.
Helpful Answer (3)

Yes! Aloe Vera has antibacterial properties that can help kill the bacteria causing the infection and reduce inflammation in the urinary tract. Additionally, aloe vera can help soothe the urinary tract lining and promote healing.

Aloe vera supplements can be taken orally to support urinary tract health.

You can also drink aloe vera juice to help flush out bacteria from the urinary tract and promote urinary tract health. Start by drinking 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice daily and gradually increase the dosage if needed.

Applying aloe vera gel topically to the genital area can help alleviate UTI symptoms such as itching and burning. Make sure to use pure aloe vera gel without any added chemicals or fragrances.
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MamaChar: "Aloe vera also contains acemannan, which is a polysaccharide chain of d-mannose molecules. Preliminary clinical trials in Europe show that d-mannose may also help treat or prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Research suggests d-mannose stops certain bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls."

Disclaimer: Not my authoring.
Helpful Answer (1)

I always Have a Giant aloe Vera Plant - It is good for sun Burns , Insect Bites and Tooth aches . I use the Gel fresh from the Plant . There is a Good product you can drink Lily Of the Desert . It is good for stomach Pain . CVS sells the Plants and they are easy to grow .
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