
Looking for recommendations for a hospice facility in the Portland area who can assist with the Death with Dignity service. Also interested in DWD doctor recommendations in the Portland area.

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Contact End of Life Choices Oregon. They can assist you in navigating the assisted dying process.
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This service is provided by an MD.
Google "Right to Die Laws Oregon" and you will find out how death with dignity is done in your state, and how to qualify for same.
And yes, I have had a friend apply for Death with Dignity in the State of Oregon.
The rules are similar to those of my own State of California.
In order to quality for death with dignity or right to die laws one must have a diagnosis of fewer than 6 months left to live.

Essential this is for discussion with your MD/the MD managing the case of a person requesting.
Consider joining FEN (Final Exit ) and (end of life choices and qualification in Orgon. ) You will find qualifications and information in that latter site.
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