
Applying for Medicaid for spouse; DHS contracted nurse scheduled for interview soon. I am concerned as to how and with what information will they make their decisions... Their assessment to DHS nurse is what her allowed services will be based on. Will they allow input from me or her family doctor or do they base it strictly on patient interview? She can communicate and may tell them nothing is wrong, and she doesn't need anybody helping her... or, she may get belligerent and refuse the interview! Only I, with help from our doctor who has treated her for this condition for 15 years... can tell them the problem. I realize they are professionals (hopefully) and are aware of the conditions they may encounter. Wonder if someone may have had this encounter recently. My provider is Arkansas and some states are different...

My LO stayed she didn't really need much help. Could do a lot herself.

Cook? Yes.
Clean. Frown, if I wanted to. But I don't.
Laundry? Frown
Bills, shopping? Yes
Transport? Help would be good with that.
Showering & dressing? Maybe.

The Social Worker knew just what questions to delve a little deeper into. It was done wirh tact & respect. Eg You cook? Tell me more.. Breakfast? Snacks? Hot meal for dinner? What do cook for dinner? Lasagne? That sounds hard!

No. I just rip the packet open & put in the microwave. It's very easy.

I see.

I hope you get a similar tactful & respectful person who also has the skill to see the truth of it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Beatty

They are going to ask about what she is able to do and what she needs help with. Things like dressing, bathing, toilet. mobility, laundry, housekeeping, driving, etc. Can she fill out her own paperwork, manage doctor appointments, run errands, pay bills or manage her own medication?
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Reply to EmotionallyNumb

I think if you are there then the best thing to do is a short and sweet explanation such as you gave us: Tell them "Because of her (what? Dementia) she may confabulate a wonderful story for you about how she needs no help. OR she may get very angry and inappropriate and combative. One can't know. I am here if you need me. Let me know if you need my presence; I am willing to answer anything I can".

That's it. Just short and sweet. Not in their face. Just offering help.
Good luck. I hope you'll update us right on this threat after interviews. You can so help others thereby, in knowing what to expect.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Dawn88 Sep 8, 2024
Excellent advice!
You should be present. You have combined and that needs to be considered. I would think that you will sign something saying its OK for the caseworker to request medical records. I have never been involved with in home care. Just allow the caseworker to lead. Maybe having a note pad available to write down questions you may want to ask.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

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