
does anyone take Fosamax or Actonel for helping to keep osteoporosis from getting worse? And have you had any major issues and how long have you been on the meds? (I know everyone is different and re-acts differently to meds but just want a general idea). thanks

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I decided not to take it.

I'm afraid of brittle bones caused by those meds that are supposed to help prevent breaks.

I'm afraid of the meds causing Osteonecrosis of the Jaw.

I'm afraid of the meds eating a hole in my esophagus.

Instead, I go to weight training classes 5 days a week. I've been going since Labor Day, and it's given me such good benefits in other areas, that I would continue to go even if the science backtracks its findings that bone can be built by weight training.
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Reply to cxmoody
JoAnn29 Dec 25, 2024
Good for you. I am so anti-meds. I take nothing at this point. I am suppose to take D3 but haven't. My cholesterol is 219. Do you know a few years back 250 was a good number. I do believe the Parmacutical companys have something to do with that. They need patients. Statins have been proven to contribute to Dementia. My internist told me to take nothing that is suppose to lower cholesterol. It takes cholesterol from the brain too and the brain needs it.
Its been found that at least one of them has been found to make bones brittle. So making them easier to break which defeats the purpose. I have not noticed the ads on TV lately.
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Reply to JoAnn29

My Mom's primary doc prescribed it for her about 10 or more years ago. My Mom felt it gave her an upset stomach (plus she already has IBS) so she stopped taking it. She wasn't on it for long, probably only a few weeks because she hated how it made her feel. She's now 95, has fallen a few times in the past 8 years and one of the times broke her wrist. My Mom is lactose intolerant so has never eaten a lot of dairy, but does eat hard cheeses and yogurt, plus lots of broccoli and other vegetables rich in calcium.
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