
My father lost our mother 8 years ago and since then the house has become so dirty. The family have tried cleaning it but he gets very angry and tells us to get out, he is 89 years old and still has capacity to make decisions. He is very stubborn. He has a dog which we take out for walks around 3 to 4 times a week, she is fed well and we'll loved by him. Pads are on the floor for mishaps which we clean up. He is hoarding and he won't let us move or take any items away, the rooms are just so filthy. We have asked him so many times to live with us and he refuses, he says he likes living in his own house. We are worried if something happened to him and the paramedics were called, the state of the place, would we be liable for this?

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No you would not be liable, many people on this forum are or have been just sitting and waiting for the dreaded phone call, that are parents fell, or to call and have a parent that doesn't answer the phone.

None of us want to sit and wait for the enedible to happen, but because are parents want to live and die the way they want to in there home. We are waiting for something bad to happen so we can finally get them the help they need.

Or we are waiting for a car accident, because we can't get the keys away, and doctors don't see what we see, in a 15 minutes appointment.

This is many many of are lives.

I will say before your so ready to jump the gun and move dad into your home, think about it long and hard. Once you get them into your home it is next to impossible to get them out. You are talking a probably years of 24/7 caregiving. I would read other posters on here , to see what happens.

You could call APS that may give him a scare to at least help him clean up and his hoarding.

And if there is anyway you get him to re-home the dog, that would be best too.

Best of luck
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

Often the first outward sign to family that a LO has the beginnings of dementia is extreme "stubbornness". It's not really stubbornness but rather the disappearance of reason and logic and executive function (judgment). This is what happens with dementia.

If your Father doesn't have an assigned PoA (and it seems unlikely he will do this at this stage of the game) then you will need to stop propping him up in his home as if he is "independent". He isn't. You all are orbiting around him. If he even agreed to move into your home his behavior and needs would probably grind everyone down to a pulp in no time (so the multitude of other posts on this forum that relate to "burnout").

I agree that reporting him to APS is your (and his) best chance at getting appropriate care going forward. He will NOT be cooperative in any other solution for himself -- especially if he is hoarding, which is a mental illness and needs the oversight of a special therapist to work with.

APS will work with a judge to have him assigned a court-appointed legal guardian so that someone can legally manage his affairs and make decisions in his best interests. He will hate this but it really is a viable solution (as it was for our family). You and your siblings just need to accept it as such.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

The simple answer to your post question is NO, children are not responsible for choices that their parents make about anything.
Often a traumatic loss can trigger someone to start hoarding, which it sounds like happened with your father after your mother died.
And you definitely don't want a hoarder moving in and living with you.
Unfortunately you're going to have to wait for an incident to happen that will force changes. But until then just continue to take his dog for a walk as I'm sure that's the only exercise his dog is getting, and know that the next shoe will drop before you know it.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Before you involve the authorities, yes, APS is the authorities, consider what will be the outcome if the person they send is a fresh from college, going to right all the wrongs and rescue the poor seniors from their plight.

They will do an emergency guardianship and take over your dad's life and finances. They will remove him from his home and quite possibly from his children's lives, the poor dog will go to the pound and that is only the beginning of what could happen.

My mom and step-dad lived in filthy, horrid squalor and APS informed me that they can live anyway they choose, as long as there is food and running water in the house. I regret calling because nothing came of it except anger and distrust, and they didn't know I called. Then I found out what could of happened and I was grateful that nothing happened.

Sometimes we have to deal with what we can and step away from the rest. If you all are willing to keep propping him up, then I really discourage you from involving the authorities. Oh by the way, not all senior stubbornness is the 1st signs of dementia, it is a scared senior fighting to NOT be taken from their home and made to live where someone else chooses.

This is a tough situation but I encourage you and your siblings to thoroughly decide what you can and can not do, what are your deal breakers and if you are ready to have your dad forcefully removed from his home and family, essentially loosing everything because he keeps house like an old man. The idea that we can keep others safe is such a day dream.

These are truly pick your battles wisely times.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Can you get him out of the house long enough for people to get in there and clean? Each person taking a room and cleaning it. Each bring their own vacuum. Try not to touch his hoard. That is a mental thing.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29

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