
Mom is at home 8 hours from me. Takes care of herself pretty well at home, is 83, early stages of dementia.I’m desperately trying to find rides to and from activities and appointments. I tried the Council on Aging in her area there is nothing reasonable as far as transportation. Med-Shuttle- $150 for round trips!!! Votran Gold - $3.00 cash (exact change only!) every time she gets on but really I don’t see her understanding that whole system.She lives in Volusia County Florida and I’m quite surprised with the aged population there are so few options!She no longer drives.

You can't in good conscience send someone who is cognitively impaired by themselves transported by someone who probably doesn't want that responsibility, isn't prepared for it, isn't insured for it -- or aware of it. The counties in my area do not allow their transport services to take anyone who is compromised alone.

I encourage you to consider other options for your Mom, like AL, where she'd be with other people and have things to do. You'd have peace of mind. There are some very nice places nowadays.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Geaton777

Med-shuttle $150? This must be a transport. This would only be used in cases were someone bedbound, for ex, need to see a doctor. This is not for going to reg appts.

I think Mom needs to be placed if she can't understand she needs to pay $3.00 to use a Senior shuttle. Assisted Livings usually have transportation for residents. Once someone is diagnosed with Dementia, they should not be alone.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

As you are finding our, your mother living 8 hours away with dementia is untenable.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Southernwaver

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