
My stepmother has early onset dementia (60) and we recently had to put her in a care facility. She walks constantly and on the balls of her feet. She has complained of her back hurting and we are trying to resolve this but believe if could be a combination of her walking habits as well as new bed, facility, etc. Suggestions?

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Pain is not part of dementia. If she cannot stand putting pressure on her heels, she has a physical problem that needs to be addressed by an MD.
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The way a person walks can cause back pain. Any time my back acts up, I will put arch lifts in my shoes and sure enough before too long that back pain starts to go away. The lifts can be bought at Target or any drug store.
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Dementia can cause so many strange symptoms that is hard to know what might be related. The backache could be caused from her walk and new bed, etc as you suspect. But what is causing her to walk that way? That may be the dementia (or not). Did she usually wear high heels up to now? In her youth? Does she complain that her heels hurt?

I think having the doctor examine her would be a good idea. It would be great if you could be present for the doctor's visit. Person's with dementia are not known for accurately reporting their symptoms and behaviors -- or write up your observations and ask it to be given to the doctor.
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