
Is there anything more economical than Ensure and other similar products?

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My husband liked home made milkshakes. Ice cream (of course), probably a fruit, maybe some flavored syrup, and usually a packet of the Carnation instant breakfast powder. A favorite was chocolate ice cream, chocolate syrup, half a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a packet of vanilla or chocolate powder, and enough milk to thin it a bit.

Canned peaches were another favorite, using the syrup from the can instead of milk.

Naturally strawberries or raspberries were a good choice. You could probably use applesauce but not a fresh apple. Probably anything your blender would turn into a liquid.

He also liked Popsicles. Not a lot of nutrition, but they helped with hydration.
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Smoothies might be good. I usually make them with greek yogurt or coconut milk and lots of fruit. You can throw in spinach, kale, cucumbers too.
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She might like low sodium soup pureed in a blender and thinned with milk or water.
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Is this all your Mother is eating?
If so you should talk to the doctor or ask to talk to a dietitian about alternatives to Ensure and other commercially prepared drinks.
It is possible to get them in powder form and that would be less expensive.
Is is possible that you can take the meals that you're making for the family then thin them out and puree them until they are a consistency that she can consume.
If the Ensure is a supplement to normal meals then making a smoothie, a shake or a protein powder shake would add some nutrition and calories.
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Kenneth, if your Mom likes to drink milk and enjoys chocolate, you can try Carnation Instant Breakfast which comes in packets that you mix with milk. I think they might have changed their name to Carnation Essentials. Just as long as your Mom is allowed sugar.

I use to use the chocolate mix which I found pretty good. And it is sure a lot cheaper than Boost or Ensure. Check the labels against each other to see if there are the same vitamins, etc.

Another thing Mom might like as a treat that is liquid are the flavored ice tea. Again watch for sugars. I am hooked on peach ice tea :)
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My husband's doctor started him on a morning smoothie over a year ago and the hospice nurse attributes his morning shake for his still being here. Not sure about that, but here goes: almond milk, 2 scoops organic pea and/or veggie protein powder, tablespoon flax or chia seed, 1 scoop organic frozen kale, spinach, and berry mix (from Costco). I think it's cheaper than ensure (full of sugar and chemicals) and certainly much healthier. In the afternoon I fix a similar smoothie but with coconut water instead of almond milk. Sometimes I make almond milk, a packet of oatmeal, powdered peanut butter and banana. He loved ice cream thrown in but I limit because of the sugar. Experiment. Smoothies have endless varieties.
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@Jazzy2 - I don't have a Costco but I too use the "greens" supplements! I have been adding a TBL of Tigernut Smoothie Original to DH's mashed potatoes and even to his egg in the morning. He can't taste it and it supplies Pre & Pro - biotics! Resistant Starch which means it stays in his stomach longer and helps his regularity.

Have you tried Barlean's Chocolate Silk? I use that in DH's Hot Cocoa (and in my own coffee) and it is truly yummy, and adds lots of nutrients.

I too believe that the Smoothies are contributing to my DH still being here!
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Not scoop but package for the frozen veggie/fruit mix.
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It depends on her health (if she's a diabetic, has heart or kidney disease,....). ASK HER DOCTOR. He can give you the name of diet she'd be on if in the hospital (Example: 2000 calorie ADA, Mechanical Soft, Regular, ....). Once you have the Doctors written order, specifically for her, then look it up on the Internet for meal examples. Or better yet, hire a Nutritionist to write out a personalized diet plan for her.
Ensure is a good substitute to give if someone eats less that 50% of their meal. However, if one is a diabetic they would need Glucerna, NOT Ensure. If either of these are used daily, you need to tell her Doctor to make sure all her needs are being met.
Nutrition, at her age and health is crucial and impacts how long she will live and the quality of her life. Poor nutrition WILL greatly speed & worsen bedsores, in a bed bound or wheelchair bound person.
She needs to have blood work/lab drawn every 3 months minimum to check her potassium, sodium, calcium, glucose... levels. Not enough, or too much, of certain foods can cause heart failure, kidney failure....
Remember: Food is human fuel, just as gasoline... is automobile fuel. An automobile will run poorly or die if receiving improper fuel. Same for human body if it doesn't receive what it needs.
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Thank you for  the great ideas I needed this post has declined steadily since my sister died almost 4 years ago ,.,her appetite is bad and will drink but not eat much ..thank you so much for the replies and I'm so glad you posted this question was a Blessing you brought this up..many prayers headed your way and I love you all
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