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"Outside of visiting hours"......of course they can. Otherwise they wouldn't have Visiting Hours posted and loved ones could come by at 4am or 11pm and disrupt the residents.
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Yes they can, it makes sense to do so as well.
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I’m curious as to why you want to visit during non visiting hours.

I seriously doubt that a facility would allow you to visit during off times. Residents are going to be sleeping and your visit would disturb them.
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100% - they have visiting hours for a reason. The SNF where my FIL was- the doors locked after a certain time and you had to have a keycard to get it or one of the nurses or CNAs had to come let you in because the front desk was no longer in operation again until 8am. (this was between the hours of 11pm and 8am).

They did make special allowances in emergencies. So when my FIL was in his last moments they allowed us to stay 24/7 if we wanted.

But otherwise, they have visiting hours for a lot of reasons. One of the biggest is that visitors, even with the best of intentions, can cause agitation - to their own loved one as well as other residents. If they let you stay (outside of emergent situations) then they would have to let other people stay - and then the quiet hours would be no different than the other hours.

It is CRITICAL that there be some "quiet" hours - with no extra people on the floors to encourage rest for the residents.
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cover9339 Mar 2024
😆 some aides can be as loud as some visitors.
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Of course.
Unless there is some emergency problem, the rules apply.
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