
He is a wheelchair bound diabetic.

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If your husband is a Veteran the VA now pays spouses to care for the Veteran.

But as everyone else has mentioned you really do need to provide more information.
Please edit your post or provide more info in your profile.
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You really do not give us enough information. Your ages for one. Are you both retired or are you working a full-time job?

Medicaid does have an "in home" program. But there is an income cap. Some States will pay a family member to be a caregiver some not. In my area, a family member is trained by an agency and hired by that agency. You can then care for your LO or friend and get paid for it. But that LO or friend must qualify for Medicaid.
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Here is info you posted on a duplicate:

"Wheelchair bound diet dietetic"

You probably mean diabetic...?

Are you saying you are currently working at a job outside your home, and now your husband requires more care and you'd be financially able to give up your outside job if you could get paid to do it?

More info would be helpful.

If you are retired then your question makes no sense.
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If your husband is on Medicaid they do have programs that will pay for an allotted amount of hours each week for either a family member or CNA to be paid for care.
Otherwise your husband can pay you, but that makes no sense as when you're married his money is your money anyway.
Also if your husband was a veteran, the VA offers some outside help to come assist him weekly.

But I must say that I always find the question of a spouse wanting to get paid for caring for their spouse quite strange, as I thought that was what we're supposed to do when married.
Did not most of us say in our vows, "in sickness and health, till death do us part?"
I cared for my late husband for 24 1/2 years of our 26 year marriage and never once even thought about wanting to be paid for caring for him. But perhaps that's just me.
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How can we tell, when you give no information at all?
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