
I moved in, got a lease and I'm confused about what to do. The name on my lease matches the owner's name and he stays in contact with me.

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You need tenant's rights associations in your area or Landlord Tenant Lawyer to get your answers. Your question isn't clear here, and our expertise on rental law likely not perfect, so check with an expert. Sure do wish you luck.
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If you signed a contract without reading it or understanding what you were signing, this isn't a scam, this is your responsibility. In court, ignorance ("I didn't know" "I didn't understand") is not accepted as a defense. If the landlord isn't doing what is specified in the lease, then you may have a case. You don't give us enough details to know -- but even so, we aren't attorneys and anyone on this global forum could give you inaccurate "legal advice". I think you need to contact a legal aid organization to get some free legal (and accurate!) legal advice. You need a different forum.
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