
I applied 3 yrs ago when my husband (a WW2 vet) died. I was denied due to excess assets, but in the time since, I have depleted all my resources, and now have only my social security, which of course was substantially reduced from when my husband & I were both collecting our monthly SS benefits. I need as much help w/ available benefits as possible & would like to re-apply to the VA if I can. Thank you.

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Muffy, your best option is to contact the VA directly, or contact one of the service organizations such as American Legion or VFW. Another option is to contact local, county or state veterans' agency to help guide you through the application process.

What you shouldn't do is to hooked in by some attorney or some for profit VA benefits company promising to help you, for a fee. The service organizations and county groups will help you for free.
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Yes. You can reapply. You should have a leg up if you have all your previous paperwork.
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Yes, you can reapply. I just did that for my Mom because she has increased medical expenses.
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Your local Veteran Service Officer is the best place to go, hands down.
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Yes, you can definitely reapply to the VA for this widow benefit. It will be a little more than $1000 per month.

The VA does not do a five year look back regarding where the assets went but you need to have less than $80,000 in the bank or in other assets like land. It does exclude a main home and one car, and a low income, less than $23,000, but they do make exceptions. So it's worth it to re-apply.

It may take six months to be approved Start now. 

Here is the link to the application forms

Help at that above link is free.   You do not need to pay for this service.
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We used a firm that specializes in VA applications to help get mom approved for Aid & Dependent benefits. We feel the money was well spent since it expedited the process.
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