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Here is what you do the next time someone threatens you with a gun:
You call 911 and you file charges with the authorities.
That lays that one easily to rest.
I think you might consider visiting in future with an authority present. Sheriff or police. Or you might consider whether you should visit at all for the present.
Sounds dangerous.

Now on we go to the "meat" of the question:
You have no right to question a POA who is caring for someone who appointed them his/her POA while competent to do so. No right whatsoever.

If you suspect a POA is acting
A) negligently, or
B) fraudulently, here is what you do:
1. Call APS in your area. Say you suspect fraud or negligence or mismanagement.
2. Ask APS to examine the situation.
3. If APS says they visited and feel things are going fine, and you STILL have evidence of fraud, see an attorney and file to have the Court examine the POA's records. The court will not share with you any details but will make a judgement whether or not the POA should continue to act as POA. This will be somewhat costly and the cost is yours.

Indeed, it sounds as though the POA is acting for an elder she feels is refusing care or in need of more care, and is calling in APS.
WONDERFUL! That saves YOU the trouble. Or you can ALSO speak with APS.

Now there may be a whole lot here that I am missing. Because you haven't told us much. I would love to hear the details. And I wish you well.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I agree with the others. You most likely will need to contact an attorney who specializes in elder law. If she is a threat to your father and his safety is a concern, you can always have the police to a well person check
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JulesGov

Your post is confusing, can you provide more details?

Is the person who brandished the gun related to him? His wife? Is she his PoA? Or is he her PoA? Or someone else's?

So, you showed up at their home to check on your Dad and she pointed a gun at you? And you DIDN'T call 911??

She says "he needs APS", but why? Doesn't she live with him? Is she burnt out caring for him?

How old is your Father and does he have dementia and/or other health issues?

What state does he live in?

Instead of coming to this forum you should still report this incident to the police. Then maybe APS *will* come to remove him from a dangerous situation and an unhinged caregiver.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

That would be a question for an attorney. It depends on many things, so nobody here can answer that with any certainty. I suggest you contact the police (if you haven't already) and an attorney who specializes in elder law.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to dmg1969

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