
Broke her dominant arm in 3 places and was in hospital for 12 days (prior to rehab transfer). She was kept in bed in the hospital as a result of not getting out of bed and moving around (as she usually does). This caused her to get a blockage and she was then kept in bed and given laxatives (which finally worked). As a result of all this bed rest she could no longer walk. So, tshe was ransferred to a rehab facility. She can walk but can't get out of bed unassisted due to the cast. The insurer wants to release her 4 days before the cast could potentially be removed. Appeal didn't work and they said they would give 2 days a week PT/OT. She can't get out of bed to use toilet or fed herself. She is 96-years-old and lives alone. Family is located 18 hours away.

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A Sit To Stand can be ordered and Insurance will cover the cost if it is necessary and it sounds like it would be.
You say she lives alone so Caregivers could be hired and they could use the Sit To Stand or if she is able a caregiver maybe all she needs to help her get in and out of bed, on and off the toilet and the caregiver could help with daily tasks as she gets her strength back in the arm.
A Sit To Stand is a pretty easy to use piece of equipment and can be operated by 1 person.
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What a sad situation all around.

I am so sorry that your family is going through this challenging time.

Did they give you a reason as to why your appeal was denied?

Are you saying that they want to stop rehab and try home health services?

Have you had a meeting with the social worker, PT and OT to know exactly what is going on?

I know that you live out of town which makes this even more difficult. Still, they can set up a meeting online with you.

I am sure that you are fully aware that your mom cannot go back home alone.

She will need 24 hour supervision at home or else she will have to move into a skilled nursing facility for long term care.

What a shame that you aren’t able to resolve this issue easily. It seems like it shouldn’t be as difficult as it is to get help for your mom.

Wishing you all the best.
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She went to Rehab to get her strength back. The broken arm has nothing to do with rehab. If its felt she has reached a plateau or progressed as far as she can go, then Medicare will have her released. It sounds like at this point, sending her home maybe an "unsafe discharge". You need to tell the Social Worker there is no one to care for her. Then she can be transferred to Long-term care. This will be private pay or Medicaid paying depending on financial means. Hopefully, she will get PT there and get her strength back.

But you need to realize they are good till they aren't. At 96 breaking her arm and not moving for 12 days is serious. She may never get her full strength back. If anesthesia was used to set her arm, that could effect her cognitively. Just spending time in strange places could effect her. Some suffer from delirium.
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