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No bank will give her a mortgage, because when she dies MERP would claim the property. Get her into subsidized housing. Even if you buy a house and let her live there while you make the payments, she has to declare your support and that reduces her benefits.
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Just how old is your daughter? and yourself?

Medicare is usually for those age 65+.
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ikmatt, this is something that you and your daughter need to contact your State run Medicaid office to see what are the rules for her State.   It's a nice thought to help her by co-signing but there could be issues.

You need to check to see if Medicaid sees your co-signing as "a gift", thus your daughter might lose her Medicaid.

If your daughter buys a home, with you co-signing, will she be able pay for her real estate taxes, utilities, homeowner's insurance, and house repairs?   If she can afford to pay for those items, then she might not be eligible for Medicaid.
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Could you buy a home in your name and let her pay rent to you? I realize that is a very different thing than co-signing, and it may not be possible or what you want to do. But it would be a way to see her in a house.
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