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By "on the house" I assume you mean your name was on a Warranty Deed.   Did the title read that you held title jointly?  

I'm a bit confused though why you aren't raising this issue with your father.  As already pointed out, joint title ownership funds would I think have been addressed by the realtor when the house was sold, with each of you receiving your portion of ownership.

As NHWM suggests, I think we need more information, and specifically why your father didn't share the proceeds with you.
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Can you please share a bit more information? Thanks.
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Where you on the deed? Was Mom on the deed?
If you were on the Deed, then at closing, if u used a Realtor than I would have thought checks were issued to both of you each getting half of the proceeds. Just paying the Mortgage does not make u half owner.

If Mom was on the deed, half of those proceeds go towards her care especially if receiving Medicaid. Even if she wasn't, the proceeds may be considered marital assets and half of it goes to Moms care.

Really need more info to point you in the right direction.
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Are your parents married? Do you live in a community property state? Is your mom private pay in the facility or on Medicaid? There are many factors that could be relevant on any financial transaction your father is involved in and by default your mom. Your best move would be to seek professional help to make sure the correct steps are taken to prevent breaking any federal or state laws and jeopardizing their care.
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Ally4gts1957 Jan 2021
No my parents are divorced.
Just wanted to know if I was on the deed and had to release the house. Can I pay off my own house?
Did you have any financial interest in the house, i.e., did you chip in to buy the house? If so, you might ask him for the same percentage of the proceeds as your contribution to the purchase was. If you had no interest in the house, he doesn't have to share. Sharing or not, at 88 yrs old, it might be wise just to let him keep the proceeds to pay for his future care.
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If you were on the deed then the funds from the sale should be split between the people that had title to the house.
If mom was on the title she also would get a portion, probably to go to the facility where she is living.
I do hope you have a contract with your father and he is paying you for caregiving. That would include Caregiving, Food, Utilities, your Caregiving services, as well as a share of all the other household expenses.
It sounds like you should have a conversation with an Attorney and best if it is one that is well versed in Elder Law.
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Mom is not on anything. I had to sign the papers to release the house.
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I think the problem here is that it is clear what the issue is. You ask if he can give you the funds. Why would he not be able to do that? If you are asking whether it is wise to give them to you, that is another question entirely.
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"I had to sign the papers to release the house"

Does this means you gave up your rights to the house? Meaning you gave up ownership? Or just that you had to agree to the sale of the house? If it was just a release saying you were allowing the sale, then I don't understand why two checks were not written. If you didn't hand over your half of the house to Dad then you are entitled to half the proceeds.

But you have not answered the question, were you on the Deed? Like I said, paying the mortgage or on the Will to inherit does not mean you own the house.
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Ally, you wrote:

"I had to sign the papers to release the house."

WHAT "papers" specifically?  and "release" the house?  From what? 

 We need specific information.
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