
The cost is $35,000.

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At 77 and with only 16 teeth now, I'd seriously doubt you have enough bone mass in your jaw to hold implants. That bone deteriorates when there are no teeth there.

My brother was born without permanent incisors (hereditary problem), and he's worn a removable bridge his whole life. Now he's in his early 60s and has been told for at least 10 years that he doesn't have adequate bone to do implants. Same for my mother-in-law -- missing a tooth for years, and inadequate bone for implants.

At the very least, get a second opinion from a reputable dentist.
Helpful Answer (7)
Beatty Feb 2021
+1 second opinion
lealonnie1 - dental school procedures are done by students but monitored and checked at every step by a qualified dentist/professor. Dental students must have practiced enough on real patients before they can graduate. The costs are usually free to a fraction of the costs at a dental office. So, it's a win-win situation for patients and students.

My best friend and SIL are both dentists and they tell me those procedures they did in dental schools had to be done by the books, and checked by their professors.

The down side is the long wait for every procedure, because their professors had to check everything.

I do however would prefer a seasoned experienced dental surgeon to do my implant. But for cleaning and other usual procedures, I don't mind having a dental student work on me.

I have had one implant done by a very good dental surgeon. She was very gentle, very thorough, and the implant is still as firmly in place 10 years later as it was the day she put it in. Her fee is higher than others though, but worth it.
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MaddieMae Feb 2021
Dental school students do have their work checked, and corrected, by their professors to meet standards, which is good. However, the process of meeting those standards can be problematic. They don't have the practice or refined skills often needed for patients, especially people who fear dental work. They cam cause unnecessary pain, inappropriate use of medications (such as use of laughing gas), and guessing what to do next at the expense of the patient. Not all dental students get As.
Are you satisfied with your life as a 77 year old obese toothless female?

I ask, because I wasn’t, so I lost over 100 pounds about 6 years ago, and had two massive root canals- major dentistry. If I need implants down the road, I’m ready.

My point is, that you’re really the boss. I had a super important reason to lose weight and save my teeth, so I gave it a shot and I was successful enough to now be a very happy 77 year old.

In your situation, I’d have my bone strength assessed first. Then you’d have a better idea about whether or not to proceed with the implants.

IF, at some point in the next five years, I get a recommendation for implants, I’ll certainly consider it.
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I would not invest $35k on teeth your age. It seems a bit unethical for a dentist to make such a recommendation. Did he give you other options besides expensive implants? You need to get 2nd opinion, maybe even a 3rd.
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Why? Is there health issues with your teeth? Are there many cavities, rotting teeth? Teeth can cause other health problems including dementia.
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If you have rotting teeth you can have them pulled, but you do not need implants. You can decide if you want dentures, or you can do as my Dad has and gum your food from now on.
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Beatty Feb 2021
77 is way too young to be gumming your food 😭. But dentures, sure! Do the sums... maybe buy yourself a car with the savings 😁
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I strongly support getting at least one more opinion. I’d also suggest getting more information about how this would be done.

To have all your teeth removed in the chair would take many many local anesthetic needles and a very very long and unpleasant time with your mouth open. The alternative would be a general anesthetic. This is something to be avoided at 77, as it seems that it sometimes can result in the onset of dementia or deterioration of any existing issues.

The next step would be a wait while your gums heal – at least a week, probably more. Plenty of time to find out about how to eat without teeth!

The following step would be hours and hours in the dentist’s chair with locals and your mouth open, while implant after implant is performed. Or of course another general anesthetic – probably several, as implants take longer than removals.

I have had all these procedures, but not together. General for wisdom teeth (age 24), a week when I couldn’t open my mouth wide enough to clean my teeth. Root canal (failed - age 65) then extraction with an aching jaw from keeping it open for what certainly seemed like hours. Implant for one tooth in my lower jaw, with my decision being not to repeat it if I lost another tooth. Then a decision that the dentist was more interested in major procedures and making money, and a change of dentist. I pass the rooms of the first one occasionally, and he now has a complete new expensive building.

I wouldn’t buy a car for $35,000 without researching another opinion. I certainly wouldn’t go along with this without another quote – and another one if the second comes up the same!
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Isthisrealyreal Feb 2021
My dad had all of his teeth surgically removed in one visit. Took 44 minutes, a twilight type sedative and he walked out in an hour. So it doesn't have to be as traumatic as you describe.

No real food for 2 weeks was his biggest challenge, however, he really enjoyed all of the milkshakes that I gave him to reduce swelling and help with the pain.

He was getting dentures and it only took 3 weeks before the 1st fitting. We opted to wait until the swelling went down and saved 2k.
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While at 77 years old gumming your food doesn't seem like the best option. But, $35,000.00 for implants seems a bit expensive. I suggest you make a few calls as I am sure there are reputable dentists that won't cost you your life savings for implants. However, there has been mention about your gum bones being able to handle the implants and I totally agree with that. You have several teeth missing already and putting implants there may not be in your best interest. Give consideration to dentures as the cost is less and results for having teeth and not gumming your food for years to come. It seems to me the dentist is out for making money not for your financial or personal interest.
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JoAnn29 Feb 2021
Not expensive. Implants are $1000 each.
I had my first implant 2 years ago (age 60) to replace an infected tooth under a cap. I am all-in on implants because of their permanent low maintenance and practicality. I have several more capped and crowned teeth that I plan to replace with implants at some point.

I had an aunt with dementia who went into a care facility and immediately lost her dentures (she probably either hid them or put them on her tray rolled in a napkin and got accidentally discarded). I will never have dentures or anything that may cause me problems in the future. I had an uncle who, at 92, did exactly what you are considering, just so he could eat steak again. And he did and it made him happy. There are so many indignities in aging and decline, and our teeth can cause us problems, from infections to appearance to needing liquid diets. I realize not everyone can afford implants but I think they should look at the most permanent and fuss-free options they can afford. After having to cart my in-laws to the School of Dentistry and try to get them into the chair with PD, chronic back pain and memory loss for a simple check-up, only to watch their teeth get grey and chip in half over time anyway, I decided that if at all possible, that won't happen to me. I have some impressive longevity in my family (my mom and all her 7 siblings lived well into their 90s and 1 is 101.5) and by God's grace if I live that long I want to look the least of a wreck as is possible. But that's just me and no judgments on anyone with a different viewpoint.

I'm not sure you should do all your teeth at once, and maybe do find out which are the "essential" teeth for chewing a larger range of food and do those only. FYI for mine, the dentist had to pull out the old tooth and it had to stay out for several months so that it could heal properly -- will you be toothless for 3 months? If you have bone loss they can put in a bone graft. Not sure about the healing time for that. Ask your periodontist.
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Isthisrealyreal Feb 2021
12 to 18 months for any dental work on top of a bone graft.

A very long time to be without teeth and not a good idea for anyone that requires bone graft done for their entire mouth.

I agree about getting a diagnosis of bone health as a 1st step for any work.
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Get him to show you the radiograph and explain why. Personally and this is only person opinion I would avoid implants as our gums recede and they are going to be a temporary measure until you need a denture. I cannot see the point to this, but then I cannot see any bone infection etc. Get him to justify why you should have it done, and removal of all teeth is not uncommon they are not designed to last as long as we live these days so gum and bone problems are not unusual, but the advantage of implants over plates / dentures is something he needs to explain.
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