
I have always managed stress well and take no medications to date. Overall I am healthy and exercise and have a spiritual life and support from family and friends. But I'm struggling to stay positive, focused and spend too much time crying. (I care for my spouse with leukemia, vascular dementia, wounds, etc). Just wondering if medication has helped anyone through this challenging time.

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You are not only caring for you husband, your primary relationship, the man you chose to enjoy your life with, but you are ALSO facing a grievous loss and an uncertain future. Is that not enough reason to feel some depression? What I feel about medication is that it can help form a bridge over trouble waters, and it sometimes helps us form better ways of facing things, better ways of thinking that can last even when we choose to give up what is admittedly a device to help us in our struggle. You may be a person of faith, and I hope that's a great comfort to you, but you aren't god, you aren't a Saint, and it is a kind of hubris to expect that of yourself.

Try every means you can to support yourself as you support another. And know that the melding of being a CAREGIVER as well as a wife (or sister or daughter) is one of the most difficult things you will ever do in your life. You are deserving of all the help that you can get. So while that Faith-based community helps support you I hope they also know how to make a good casserole, drive you to shopping, deliver a few sacks of groceries, drive you to appointments. Because THAT to my mind is real faith based work.

And please, oh please, cut down at the first sentence someone suggesting that you need to "let go and let god" or that you "don't have enough faith" or that "you must do positive thinking". THAT, my dear, is cruelty. THAT is making you a victim when you are ALREADY a victim. That is saying that you are responsible for this, and you ARE NOT. Any faith that would think any god would put this upon someone for the delight of it, or as some childish test of faith, is in thrall of a very nasty little god indeed.
Helpful Answer (29)
Ariadnee Mar 17, 2024
Excellent reply! I'm gonna copy it and put it in my dementia folder.
That old trope of "God doesn't give us more that we can handle" is so cruel. Ya know, quite a few people then opt to check out of life permantly when too much is given to them as far as tough times 'n awful things happening or not feeling great mentally. Which apparantly is a Sin. But, then where are the helpers to provide aid, comfort and solace for those who are overwhelmed by rotten life events?
Caregiving is very, very hard. If people need help getting through it with prescribed medication(s) then why not? No medical professional that I know, is working 24/7 in their chosen field. They get days off. They go on vacations. They have a social life. Caregivers must have the same.
I began taking an anti-depressant about a year after we lost our 13-year-old son in a tragic accident. I had abundant support from family and friends (and I still do) along with a strong spiritual life and grief counseling. I also read many books and was in touch with a bereaved parents group. But I was still mired in the loss. At that point I took the gentle suggestion of my doctor to try adding an anti-depressant. It didn’t erase the sadness, but it smoothed out the highs and lows and helped me deal with the inevitable “normal” difficulties that we all face in life, allowing a calmness to life in general.

As I now deal with caring for my husband who ten years ago was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia, once again I am using all the appropriate tools to care for myself as well. When I realized I could no longer do this 24/7, I brought in an outside caregiver. A year ago I made the difficult decision to move him to a small memory care facility. It’s for both of us.

There should be no shame in using all the “helps” available, including medications, no matter what loss we’re dealing with. Be kind to yourself.
Helpful Answer (17)
Sarah3 Mar 17, 2024
Very sorry for your loss of your child, my deepest condolences
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Yes I just started Paxil again. I took it when my baby had two rare diseases and I was really stressed out (he grew out of them). I stopped taking it and then my mother in law with dementia moved in. I restarted it. It has been very helpful to smooth out the lows and put my head in a better space to manage her. I’m very natural, trained many years in natural medicine. Never thought I’d take an antidepressant but it’s the best thing I could have done for my mental health. Sometimes all the positive thinking and therapy just doesn’t do the trick.
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I tried to restart an antidepressant that I had previously been on when I was caregiving. It made me tired, so I tried taking it at night and I kept forgetting because I take my regular meds in the morning. So I can't give you an honest assessment as to whether it would have helped.

What I can say, is caring for my my mom to the point of emotional and almost physical collapse should have stopped months ago. Everyone warned me and told me to take care of myself but I just kept pushing through. Now I am paying the price.
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I did not take antidepressants while my mom was residing in a NH with me as her primary HCP.

I recently started Zoloft (which I've taken in the past for depression) after my husband's post-surg internal bleed. My blood pressure blew up; my doctor started me on a second med to get it under better control and strongly suggested I think about my overall well being.

I don't think ADs mask symptoms. I think they increase the supply of brain chemicals that get severely depleted when we are living under stressful circumstances.
Helpful Answer (13)
Impossible Mar 17, 2024
I agree with you. People should not hesitate to take them when needed. As someone who experienced a six month battle with depression I am speaking from experience.
My friend, "meds" will not help you be a better caregiver. If you are a person who does not take medication don't start now with mind-altering drugs that change and tinker with brain chemistry. This is what anti-depressants do.

I was a homecare worker for 25 years. I was also one to my abusive mother until I walked away from that mess. So I know how miserable and maddening being a dementia and invalid caregiver can be. I also know what it's like to be in it 24/7.

You live with an alcoholic. My first husband was an alcoholic and we divorced for this reason. I think you probably don't want to live with it anymore. Anti-depressants won't help that.

Before you consider "meds" ask yourself a couple of honest questions. Such as:

-Would a change in environment improve how you feel? As in your husband getting placed?

-Would an active social life away from your home and husband improve how you feel?

-Would less responsibility being laid on your shoulders help?

If you answer 'yes' you don't need anti-depressants. You need to change your environment and remove your husband from it. Put him into managed care.
You can stillhelp and be an advocate to ensure he gets well taken care of. Only you will not have to literally bear the brunt of actually having to provide that care.

Please think about it. You deserve to have a life of your own.
Helpful Answer (13)
BurntCaregiver Mar 12, 2024

Don't get me wrong. Some people really need anti-depressants because they have clinical depression. I'm not saying that isn't real. It is.

Sometimes when a person removes certain toxic people and behaviors from their environment or at least limits them, they often recover from their anxiety and depression.

Myself for example. I can only stand to be around my mother for maybe 20 to 30 minutes at a time. When we lived together and I was her caregiver, I was so deep in depression and anxiety that I didn't care if I lived or died. I couldn't sleep at night and gained a lot of weight. When I'd hear her getting up in morning my heart would start pounding, my mouth would go dry, and pain would start shooting down my arm.

Getting away from her cured me. When I do visit, if she starts up in any way, I have to leave. So I do.

Meds aren't always the answer.
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Let's assume permanent placement is not an option for your husband at the moment. Definitely talk to your PCP about getting on antidepressants because they can help you A LOT with the crying jags and general sadness you're feeling right now. We ALL need help managing life from time to time. I needed help with ptsd in 2000, and now with depression and anxiety from a cancer dx. Both times Paxil helped me tremendously. It clears my head, calms my racing heart, and allows me to put things into a better perspective.

Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (13)
lealonnie1 Mar 12, 2024
AN, all antidepressants must be dosed properly AND weaned off of properly too, guided by our doctors. ADs are just like diabetes meds or bp meds......not "liking" them doesn't mean they aren't necessary or warranted and attaching a stigma to ADs defeats their purpose.
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I'm about to find out if Lexapro (anti depressant) will help. The doctor said it takes 2-3 weeks before I notice. I've been caregiver to my 94 yr old diabetic, dementia, wheelchair bound mother for the last 5 years. I'm 64 yrs old and I never had children because I didn't want to deal with diapers. In addition to doing all the cooking and cleaning, now all I do is help her with adult diapers all day. I'm miserable and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I have 4 other sisters, but no one helps. I don't blame them cause Mom wasn't exactly "June Cleaver". Every time someone says, "what a blessing it is to still have my mother" I just want to punch them in the nose. I worked until I was laid off 5 yrs ago. Since I was older, I didn't think I was going to find a job with the salary I was making so I asked Mom if I could just stay at home (our house is paid for). That's when I decided to stay home and take care of her. It's just getting harder the older we both get. Now I'm ready to start traveling and I'm stuck caregiving until she dies. Sorry to be such a whiner but I can't say any of this out loud.
Helpful Answer (11)
Stelladvm Apr 20, 2024
No, you are not alone. I share a lot of similar emotions and hate myself for it. And am in the awkward position where I would need to work more than I already am to afford to bring someone in periodically or I just do it myself. But I have so much resentment that I have been put in this position with an already very busy life (work, not fun, both my husband and I are self employed) that I am quickly accumulating unpleasant memories and behaviors I know I will regret when she is gone. Of me just not having any patience, snapping at her, rushing her, not spending ANY quality time with her, just getting tasks accomplished while being pissy. Oh, and always long silent drives to her numerous appts because I am just too done to make pleasant conversation, and honestly that is all she wants. (she is 89, has a daylight basement appt in my house and is homebound/in a chair post stroke then hip frx 2 1/2 yrs ago). I've not posted here and it feels good getting this off my chest.
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I sure do! If it weren't for venlafaxine and buspirone I'd have not made it this long. No shame in a bit of help.
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I didn't start taking them to help me be a caregiver I ended up having to take them because I became a caregiver.
I'm from a suck it up buttercup, kind of family so I long hesitated to get the help I needed. Couldn't understand why I was struggling so much with something I was supposed to be glad to do. ( Not my idea, but other family members felt I should feel priveledged and grateful to be a caregiver)
Of course I loved my sweet mom, but she needed a lot even in independent and assisted living settings. I felt horribly guilty for being so resentful, then my husband developed multiple medical issues, our marriage started to unravel and it was an absolute poopstorm.
I felt passively suicidal at times. Mainly, just hoping I would not wake up and deal with another day but the thought of having my son have to pick up all the slack motivated my a** to get some help and fill the RX.
It did help me become a more stable, calmer caregiver and less of a crying, screaming banshee at times. I was able to calm down and get perspective on things.
I used to scream in my car driving home from my mom's place or some other myriad of appointment or errands. It helped a little but not as much as therapy and medicaiton. My vocal chords are happier about it.

My mom passed away in January of this year, I took care of her for 10 years and for now I am still on it as I am working my way through all the complicated grief.
Helpful Answer (10)
Stelladvm Apr 20, 2024
I read so much of me in you. Huge condolences and hugs to you as you work your way through this journey. I too know mine will be very much resentment and guilt over said resentment.
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