
I live on second floor and have fallen down my steps once my daughter wants me into a safer place. Please help me.

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Levram, I so wish you would come back and answer questions.

Your age hasca lot to do with what your next step should be. Your overall health. People live normal lives with epilepsy and the correct medication. Do you get seizures that keep you from driving. Are they getting worse thats why you daughtervis concerned. My grandson lived on the second floor, that had nothing to do with his seizures. Are there other health reasons why a second floir apt is not good?
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Reply to JoAnn29

How many times have you had to call your daughter for help? Start with that.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lkdrymom

You asked a similar question on thev24th and got answers. Questions were asked that you did not answer.

It really depends on how often you have seizures. How oldcare you? My grandson had them 1x a month. He knew when he did and took a med right after. If your medications control it, I see no problem. You should be seeing a Neurologist. Maybe talk to her/him.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

You asked a similar question not too long ago. Did you not read the responses you received then?
If you are still questioning this major step then I can only guess that yes, you need to move into an assisted living facility for not only your own peace of mind but for your daughters as well.
But in the meantime, please have your daughter place inexpensive security cameras around your home(like I suggested to you in your previous post), so your daughter can at least check in on you when she wants.
Best wishes in finding the right assisted living facility.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Yes. I would think so. You tell us very little about your general condition. One fall doesn't a move make, but if your daughter is seeing reasons for you to get into safe care she is likely correct. Discuss this with daughter and your MD together; make an office appointment today.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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