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Good nursing homes give sedatives to people who would benefit from them. They don’t sedate people just to make them easier to manage. Some people become very distressed as they age, particularly with some types of dementia. They can have horrible hallucinations, are very frightened by their dreams, are depressed, do things that are dangerous for themselves and others. They are happier if these awful feelings can be avoided through drugs. Calming is not about being made into a ‘zombie’.

I have quite a lot of pain from a difficult back. I am truly grateful for the painkillers, even though they also have a sedative effect and I prefer my brain to be working better. However if I was in the state that our posters sometimes report, I would be equally grateful for medication that would help me to be less unhappy.

If you are concerned about this, check it out. But don’t assume the worst. Yours, Margaret
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Are you sure mom would need a nursing home?
That is not the only option for senior residential living.
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