would a Sarasteady stand assist help??
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Reply to caregiver008

The best advice I can give you is to make sure that whatever name brand you go with make sure that it has dual motors in it. One for the head and one for the feet.
Otherwise with a single motor when you raise the feet it also puts your head back quite far and your loved one may not be able to watch TV very easily as their head will be back too far.
And then because a lift chair is electric, make sure that you put batteries in the back-up battery box in the back of it, in case you lose power. Otherwise your loved one will be stuck in their chair when the power goes out.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

My Mom has a La-z-boy and loves it. Very comfortable, has used it every day for the last several years and the electronics and motion are still as good as ever. Plus it has retained it's cushy-ness. I'm not at her house so I don't know what model but you can see them online at their website.

Prior to that she had a manual Barkalounger, which was easy to move, even with her then 80-yr old arthritic arms and hands.

You should also consider buying it used. There are many on,, Facebook Marketplace, etc. Some charitable thrift stores may have some as well.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

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