
My mom was a healthy 101 year old,  she had dysphagia. I suggest anyone with dysphagia you caregivers get medical grade boost 530 calories and 28 grams protein. If you're sustaining life 2x day min. Astonishingly healthy for her age, a bit of incontinence, memory loss, goes in hospital gets bedsores that were neglected by Dr. Hospital home health all coupable, but her Assante partner Dr. is liable for setting it in motion giving Macrobid for a UTI. When she had a blister bed sore from hospital stay pure negligence and malpractice. So I gotta reach out. She coulda made 105 easy or 107. Now 80% chance of death by bedsore to stage-4 pressure ulcer.

And ageism or better known as neglect elderly care! HELP? I'M GOIN OUTA MY MIND. Caregiver 5yrs. her 63 yr old son with degenerative disk disease arthritis of spine bulging disks spinal stenosis. I can't lift her very much longer. 70 lbs. GOD BLESS THE DIEING

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So, I take it that you have extensive medical training, when you say that doctor shouldn't have prescribed Macrobid?

You mother is 101. She has long outlived her life expectancy, by many, many years. There is a point at which systems start to fail (memory, incontinence, bedsores caused by her inability to move herself) and there is no, repeat NO way of fixing all the stuff that is wrong without causing further problems.

I understand that you love your mom and would like to see her live forever. But that's not what life is about, is it?
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Riverdale Feb 2019
Brave and helpful with your reply. I hope it helps the situation here.
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Sadsun, I had to look up the term dysphagia. For those readers not familiar, was similar to aspiration where it is difficult to swallow food or liquids, feels like the food or liquids are stuck in one's throat. Food/liquid can also go into the lungs. It can lead to aspiration pneumonia.

This is something my Dad had. My Dad came from a long line of longevity in his family tree, but that can vary from person to person. Dad was 95 when he recently passed... his brother is still enjoying fishing at 90... and the other brother passed at 65 decades ago from lung disease.

I know you wish for your Mom to live to 105-107, but what does Mom want?
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sadsun Feb 2019
she actually told me and her wound care dr.she wants to live. she died
I am sorry for your grief--but let's be a little more realisitic.

Your mother is 101. 101. And you're pushing for 105? To what end?

I don't mean to be insensitive, but at some point, the body gives out, system by system.

My g-ma was in great health into her mid-90's.

Until she wasn't.

One little fall and a broken wrist and 6 weeks later she dies. Her very thin skin couldn't take the pressure from lying in one position and she developed bedsores in a day. One day!

Ok, yes, we could probably go back and get after one of the drs who probably overprescribed pain meds, but to what end?

I cannot imagine an attorney who would take this case...they have to "win" to make any money in med-mal cases and you simply don't have the makings of one. (My son is an attorney and he HATES med-mals)

Nevertheless--do what you feel you must.

But first, just continue to love and care for mom. This in no way sounds like ageism. It's just what it is: the slow slide into the next life. I'm sorry you are gong through this. I hope you have mom kept comfortable.
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Why was your mother admitted to hospital?

I am very sorry for your loss, and I sympathise with your sense of outrage that your mother didn't get the very finely balanced treatment she needed. But the only good that can come out of this is learning and for that to happen you need all of the truth - not just the bits that blame members of her care team.

So, to repeat - what took her to hospital?

The frailer and sicker and older a person is, the *more* careful her healthcare team needs to be, is the point - the age and frailty of a patient can never be an excuse for not delivering the best possible care. But even the best of care may still not be successful. It's important to understand exactly what happened so that you can compare it accurately with what ought to have happened.
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I think it may be time for Hospice. You need some help. And Mom needs to be comfortable.

I agree, some neglect here but bedsores are going to happen. The elderly's skin is so thin. If the bedsore is at the end of the spine, then very hard to heal, no tissue there hardly, just bone. It takes a lot od wound care. Why isn't she in a rehab. My daughter is a woundcare nurse in a rehab and has plenty of patients.

Since we are a group from all, over the US, Canada, UK, etc. Hard to help with an attorney. Call your Office of Aging and see if they can help.
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yes,yes yes .FACT,,,patient has dysphagia,malnutrition,old skin ,so lets give her macrobid,and make her dysphagia worse,lets give her macrobid and give her anorexia,yes give her macrobid so her mucus membranes under the skin breakdown ,causeing bedsores............she died
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BarbBrooklyn Feb 2019
This has been reported to admins.

Sadsun I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother.

Please do not disgrace her memory by doing something foolish and criminal. She raised you better than that.
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