
It is very difficult to find transportation to/from hospital for surgical procedures if you live in a state where you have no family and are elderly. Social Services are not much help as the hospital has strict rules about patients leaving under anesthesia. Companies like Soonercare, Uber a Cab are not allowed to drive a patient home due to insurance. A neighbor, a church member however can, but most are at work or elderly as well. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Call your local Redcross they may have drivers. If your on Medicaid, the supply transportation too.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I would discuss this with the MD doing the procedure.
This rule can be bypassed, they can keep you longer if a light anesthesia if you have no one there when they feel you SHOULD have someone.

If they can't help I am afraid you are down to hiring someone to provide transportation home.

Wishing you luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

This will largely depend on your local area. Where I live there is someone who takes people to their medical appointments, procedures, or surgeries, and stays with them until ready to go home. They are driven home and made comfortable before being left. The person also offers to take notes for the patient or their interested family. I only know of it from seeing it on NextDoor. Consider joining NextDoor in your community and see if there may be something similar
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

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