
My husband has been having bouts of Sundowning. It occurs for several days, and then stops for a while. When it happens, he says we have to pack up our pups and go home. When he previously would say he wanted to go home in early evenings, I could show him our pups and reassure him we are home because our pups are with us. Now he's saying he and the pups have to go home. What biological abnormality (besides just saying dementia) causes this bizarre affliction? Does anyone know?

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My very non-scientific view here..
Scensory load is full.
It is time to rest.

Many years ago when walking around at the end of a day, I would wonder at the 'bird trees'. Some trees would be alive with birds squawking & calling. Like they had some sort of end of day anxiety - saying "it's time to go home, it's time to go home!".

When my child was a little toddler, he would start turning in circles at about 5pm. Hungry/tired/grumpy - just done with the day. Dinner, bath & routine helped transition him into his evening mode. At that time he needed constant company & nothing requiring too much brain power.

I felt like it was his 'bird tree' time.

End of day scensory overload.
Time to 'go home'.
Time to wind down. Get cozy in a favorite chair.
Reduce stimulating noises & harsh lighting.
Time to stop thinking.
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Reply to Beatty

Medical science cannot yet explain why it happens except that one’s long-term memories are last to go as dementia changes the brain.
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Reply to Geaton777

JanPeck123, it is my understand whenever someone who has dementia says they want to go home, they mean their childhood home. He wants to take the pups back to his childhood home to show his siblings (if any), show his parents, and his childhood friends (back when they were young).

Dementia is so complex, it's quite a mystery, Back when my Dad had sundowning, he would climb into his "time machine" and be transported back to the 1940's, back when he and my Mom were first married. Dad would call me saying he wouldn't be home tonight because of a late meeting at work, that he will stay at the hotel (which was actually his room at Memory Care). I would just play along so not to scare him.
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