
This person is unable to live independently & will require home care, with limited funds to cover those expenses.

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If a person is unable to live independently then the nursing SNF that allowed a sign out by someone incompetent to understand his/her limitations may be liable for allowing this sign out.

We have no details here, but this on the face of it is not a good thing. I think that qualifications for home care when you are not safe to BE home is a serious question and a big problem.

I would be careful not to enable this move home AMA. A person, if competent, has a right to make their own decisions to die in their own home, but it's a real poor choice if you are wanting to LIVE.
I would call and report this to APS at once. If they cannot respond at once I would ask a police wellness check. THEY will then contact APS emergently.
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Medicaid pays a person's medical needs and SS income pays for the custodial portion (residence/rent).

I agree with JoAnn... how is this person able to sign themselves out of LTC? My MIL is in LTC and no way could she sign herself out nor would the facility allow it even if she theoretically could.
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They probably will if an alternative to being in a nursing home program(s) is applied for and approved.

Barring that, they probably won't, because of the AMA designation.
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I have never heard of someone being able to leave a SNF if on LTC Medicaid. To have Medicaid covering the cost of care, the person has to be deemed 24/7 care. Because of that, it would be an unsafe discharge and they would not be allowed out of the building. Are you sure it wasn't rehab and Medicare was paying?
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cover9339 Aug 21, 2024
A person could be allowed to leave the building for a few hours, with doctor's approval.
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