
Father in law has cut my husband out of his life and mother in law just recently explained why we weren't invited to birthday dinners and Easter, b/c Fil doesn't want my husband around. His sister sees the parents all the time. This is very hurtful to my husband. Is this normal?

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Angela, this is your husband's dad and mom, right?

I think I'd step back and let husband deal with it, as he sees fit.
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Unfortunately my husband and I are kept in the dark about most of this until the day my husband visited his dad and he started cussing and accusing him of stealing that was the first indication to us that something was wrong mil had kept it from us. We don't know anything about the Poa or his meds. I recently asked about the meds and was blown off then find out a couple of days ago they tried Aricpet but she decided he was better off the way he is. She says he thinks she is poisoning him and he had to go to the dentist and he thinks the dentist tried to blind him.
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Okay, so how about suggesting to MIL that she take FIL to a geriatric psychiatrist who has been prepped before on the lay of the land? Someone needs to be managing this gentleman's meds and mental condition.

Does anyone have POA for finances and/or health?
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He tried Aricept(*sp) but they gave up on it. Mil says Fil was worse after taking it. Mil is afraid to tell Fil that he has been diagnosed b/c his mother had it and he had said he would kill him self if he was ever diagnosed.
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Has FIL been diagnosed with dementia? This is pretty common in dementia.
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No argument. Fil accused my husband of stealing and mil says if my husband visits it makes her life hard for 3 days b/c Fil will blame everything on my husband and fuss about my husband for at least 3 days. So we aren't welcome to visit etc.
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Mil just explained what?

Is there a reason fil doesn't want his son around? Did they have an argument?
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