
That lady can't hardly walk and doing all her errands etc.

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i am a psw and would like to know if i could get financial help as ive been taking care of her for years now
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Yes, the lady you are caring for should be paying you for all your hard work. If she is able to do that, you would need to prepare an employment agreement just in case in the future the lady needs to apply for Medicaid. Medicaid wouldn't allow her to pay for time cared in the past. Curious, why were you working for free? Is this lady a relative?

And please note, vast majority of grown children do not get paid for taking care of their own parents and grandparents unless the relative can pay them.

Now, your client could contact Medicaid and see if she can apply and be accepted. If she is accepted, she could check to see if she has a caregiver that the caregiver be paid. You would need to take classes and be certified with a caregiving Agency. Medicaid usually pays minimum wage for a few hours each week. Not all States offer this program.
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If you've been caring for her for years why haven't you been compensated already? Is she a friend or a family member?

I understand your wanting to be paid for the work you do but if you began this job with the agreement that you would not charge her for your services it's going to be very difficult to go to her now and request to be paid.

What's changed that you would want to start getting paid after working for free for years?

I'm not blaming you for wanting to be paid. If you're working for her you should be paid. I'm just curious as to why you would work for free for years.
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because i known her for years and she is like a mother to me but really she is an aunt, she pays for my gas mind you
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she wouldn't want assistance from nobody else but me and thats why i am asking about the financial info
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Rolande, my gosh how many years have you gone without being paid. How do you buy things for yourself? Or do you dig into your own savings and retirement? Gas money is nice, but would she pay for auto insurance and any repairs?

That is one thing our elder relatives don't understand. When we don't have income it hurts us greatly as we aren't adding into Medicare, Social Security, we don't have vacation pay, we don't have sick pay, we don't have health insurance unless we are on Medicare ourselves, we can't add to our 401(k) or savings account. We find ourselves in debt. Now what?

We might think well maybe Auntie will give us the house... maybe not if she runs out of self paying funds and has to go onto Medicaid to get her care.... then Medicaid will take the equity from the house [it has to be sold] to pay for her care once she has passed.

I never knew how complex all of this was until I started to help do things for my own very aging parents, Mom refused caregivers in the house.
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