
Mom is 87 years old. She has a stroke 6 months ago. She walks with a walker and has balance issues. She will only take one shower a week. It is so hard to get her to get up and shower. She will not wash herself not even her face. She is mad at us ( daughters) for making her shower. She always tells us she has a headache. I feel guilty for not keeping my mother clean. She is get UTI so often. She wears depends unwear. She cannot change her depends herself. We had home health coming in but mom fired them. We have them coming now but insurance will only pay for 25 trips and we are using them to do blood work and start IVs for medication to help with UTI. Mom needs a walk in shower or a walk in tub. Finically can not afford to buy one. Please help any advice would be appreciated.

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Would your Mom allow you to use baby wipes on her to help clean in-between showers? Huggies makes a nice natural scented wipe that I really like for myself, been using those wipes as taking a shower with a broken shoulder is no easy task.... now I understand why some elders don't like showers.
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We recently began using a no-rinse shampoo, which can also act as a no-rinse bath. Bought it at Walgreen's for a reasonable amount; so far it's worked better than another brand we tried which really didn't provide much of a later or cleansing effect.

It's applied like a shampoo, worked in, then towel dried if desired.

The wipes are a good idea too; they leave a clean, refreshing feeling. I even carry some in the car; they're not as medicinally smelling as the hand sanitizer that I use a lot, especially when shopping.
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Computer gremlins are busy tonight, I see. I meant to post that older people just don't need to shower as much as people who go to work regularly and are more active and out and about. Personally I think once a week is enough, especially if she uses wipes daily.

There could be legitimate reasons she doesn't want to shower: (a) modesty (b) cold - unless you have heated towels and (c) balance issues.

Do you have a seat that extends over the bathtub so she can get in and out safely without standing and having to balance while she lifts one leg then the other into the tub?

I would focus more on keeping the Depends changed regularly and keep that area clean - given the UTIs, it sounds like that's more important.
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Yes a towel off shampoo is wonderful! Reading the comment above you have to towel off as that is how the dirt and grease is removed.
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