
Long story short, my Dad had open heart surgery about two weeks ago. He was set up to go to an inpatient rehabilitation facility but the days leading up to him being discharged and then transferred he had a lot of depression and anxiety and he refused to go and participate and be compliant with the PT, OT, and refused to take any meds or eat because he wanted to come home and had no other choice but go take him home even though my Mom and I insisted that he was unsafe to come home and physically incapable of taking care of him. After a day and half of coming home, he was pretty sick (vomiting and incontinent) and my mom was completely worn out after not being able to sleep because she needed to care for my Dad and he has eventually gone back to the ER. The plan now is to hopefully get him back into another inpatient rehabilitation facility assuming the last one won’t accept in again OR a SNF because my Mom is completely incapable of providing the care he needs. I also spoke with my Dad and he has agreed that he will be cooperative in taking meds and eat and do what he needed to do to get stronger, if and when he goes. It’s been a very stressful last few weeks and we need help. I plan on speaking with another case manager to hopefully see how quickly he can get into a facility, whichever will accept him. But I’m so worried that because he’s already got so many red flags noted by the hospital, we won’t be able to get him into one. If anyone has any insight or advice, I’d be so grateful.

Just keep insisting to the hospital doctor and social worker, that your dad CANNOT return home as there is no one there to care for him and that he is an "unsafe discharge." They will then HAVE to find a rehab facility or nursing facility that will take him.
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