I switched from a transit chair to one that is easier to push but the back wheels are so large that I am having trouble getting it into the car. It is a bit heavier and so cumbersome. I am 80 years old and afraid of hurting myself by lifting this chair into the trunk. Any advice as to making this chore easier ?
Also: how large and how heavy is your husband? (roughly - I'm not asking for his vital statistics!)
There is a mobility specialist store which I hope is within reach for you, and whose customers praise their customer service in reviews. The thing to do is to give these people a ring, explain what your husband's needs are AND what your needs are when it comes to the wheelchair and transport, and ask their advice. I will send you the website link in a private message, because there are rules about advertising on the forum and I wouldn't want to break them. I just found these details by Googling "mobility equipment, Scarsdale NY" and seeing what came up.
It is also very important to shop around yourself and not just take the first product offered. When you do find a wheelchair that's a possibility, ask to try it first and check that you can manage it easily - and don't buy it unless they'll let you!
Private message to follow :)
Difficulty loading the chair is one of the big reasons people opt for the transport chairs, I'm much younger than you and I found mom's wheelchair a brute to handle but I agree it is much easier to push than a transport chair. I imagine that people would be willing to lend you a hand if you play helpless old lady - I've wanted to jump in several times when I watch people coming and going at the doctor's office down the street.
At one point my mother had a folding crane-type contraption in the back of her car that picked up the wheelchair (power chair) on a big hook and delivered it into the hatch. This was powered by the car's 12-volt electrical system. I don't know if there's a smaller system that could be used for push wheelchairs or that would fit into a regular car trunk.
When we used to push wheelchairs, I never noticed that the smaller wheels made the transport wheelchair harder to push. Perhaps you and hubby could go to a mobility store and test out different wheelchairs for weight and ease of pushing. If nothing works, I can only suggest using a transport service for disabled people (if there is one in your area) that would assist him and his wheelchair into the vehicle or lift him right inside the vehicle while still seated.
Best of luck to you finding what works for you and him.
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